First set: Text only icons. Whether its a quote or a lyric, create ten different text only icons.
Second Set: Icons with a large black or white space. Fairly self explanatory.
Third Set: Black and White icons with a dash of colour.
Fourth Set: Lyric icons. Pick one song and include some of the lyrics as text on your icons. Hans Zimmer lyrics, Drink Up Me Hearties
Fifth Set: Same picture. Pick one picture and create ten different icons from it.
Sixth Set: Cropping. Everyone loves a well-cropped icon.
Seventh Set: Blending. Each icon has to include blended pics. Can be the same picture more than once or multiple pics
Eighth Set: Animation. Whether its animating some text, animating two images within the same icon, creating animated rain or snow, or doing a proper animated icon
Ninth Set: Humour. Create ten humour icons. Be creative.
Tenth Set: Your choice. Make ten icons however you want.