drop meme!

Apr 29, 2009 18:49




So I wouldn't have expected that. But let's get into this thing.


IC: She's in a fair place right now. She's kind of devastated that Aerrow got some before she did, because it's Aerrow, but she'll be damned if she lets him think she's not 100% behind him and supportive. This means that she's probably a little more desperate for attention and approval, because she has to prove that someone, somewhere likes her.

OOC: I love that she gets affected by what her friends/castmates do! I love that she doesn't get emo over everyone, and she's naturally outgoing and an adorable fail at hitting on people. I think she's fabulous and really easy for me to pull out.

Drop: Not likely! She's a lot of fun and easy to pull out.

Plans: Keep on truckin'. Would love for her to grab a date or two, but no worries on that front.


IC: Mary's Mary! She's eternally optimistic and just swell except everyone's just a little mean and the place isn't very pleasant and, you know, no one has invited her over! But she's certainly not going to let anyone know she's a little lonely. She's just going to go on being a little insufferable because that's how she thinks people should be!

OOC: Jesus Christ I didn't think Mary would spam like that. What. WHAT. She takes a lot of energy, but I feel good that I never have to worry about her being OOC. Because guys? GUYS I cannot do worse than canon. But she takes a lot of energy and I think she's a novelty.

Drop: When her novelty wears out and it stops being fun! But probably not soon.



IC: Yeah, you know. Ned's just Ned. He's kind of just equalized right now. Camp sucks! This is a statement of fact. But Chuck is here! And he has some friends, despite himself. Ned never gets great so being meh is perfectly acceptable for him.

OOC: Love Ned! But I'm really in a weird place about the last episodes. I just need to watch them but I'm terrified that my desire to play him will be directly affect by how I feel about the finale, and this could go either way. Castmate hiatus has been difficult! (BUT TOTALLY UNDERSTANDABLE DON'T YOU DARE APOLOGIZE) In general he's not my first pick to throw out, but he's fine.

Drop: Not likely; not until Chuck drops.



IC: Really lonely, actually! I know I keep bringing up people who dropped but she never really got a lot of IC ways to deal with it, and that kind rolled up with me not playing her a ton and not catching some of her ic friends just kind of... I think she's really lonely! And directionless. She doesn't have a purpose anymore. Everyone is too nice, guys. Everyone accepts her for who she is, and is telling her she should do the same! This is from a canon where the only conflict is that... no one will let her be herself and she has to discover her strength on her own. It doesn't work as well the other way because she gets left feeling like she has to defend why her society does things the way they do even though she doesn't agree with it. Recent genderswitch has made her feel more confused :|

OOC: GUYS SHE WAS GETTING SO BLAND. I've never felt super strong on her voice, but when you throw in the fact that she doesn't have a purpose, when she's always had one in canon, it's hard. But! Recently she's kind of developed a little crush, and the genderswitch gave her a chance to yell at someone (thanks, Capell) and really get her feelings in a row. There was conflict! She had to figure out who she was and what her identity was! This is good! And I know I've been sounding like a broken record but SOMEONE APP SHANG. I KNOW HE'S BORING. BUT HE'S ALSO PRINCIPLED AND SECRETLY DORKY. I just. I really need someone in camp who will judge her and who she needs to please.

Drop: Very likely. I really don't want to. She's my baby and I love her and it would be hard on a lot of people, but if she doesn't have a reason to exist, I can't keep her around.

Plans: Top a Shang! I WILL TAKE OFFERS. Keep on keepin, get her out more.

IC: SUDDENLY BECAME VERY ZEN ABOUT THE IC/OOC THING. I've never been super hung up on it, but this should be the most fun possible and it's not like we have actual canon for being in a zombie summer camp (unless you do, and in that case what's the fun?).


Drop: Not likely!

Plans: AMAZING PLANS not failing school.

If you wanna play with any of mine, please let me know! I'm really going to try to be more scarce because lol school. This will fail terribly.


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