It's 1:30am here.
I can't sleep.
My mind is occupied by a particular theory about what's going on in S5 and I'm trying to grab as much "evidence" as I can for it. I figured I'd share it to see if it really is crazy or a possibility.
My friends, I've never been so excited about a series arc theory. Really.
Here goes:
Spoilers ahoy! )
Comments 31
(even though I kind of want Amy to just be clever enough to see what the Doctor misses)
I LOVE the idea that Amy is Amelia's Aunt lol.
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On the other hand, I'm afraid that this is going to so color everything else I see in the series. I don't want to miss something and I want to be open to other ideas.
Also, I don't want to become emotionally invested in any theory and become disappointed when it doesn't come to pass. I want to think about this more and explore it, but I fear expending the energy and becoming emotionally involved.
By the way, I love your icon. Would you mind if I took my own screenshot and cropped it similarly and treated it a bit?
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Maybe Amy simply is withholding information, because she was told not to share what she knows about aliens. Or, maybe her memories are blocked, so she wouldn't remember. If the townspeople saw the Doctor and agreed to go along with the secret to save the universe from a paradox, which is part of the reason why the legend of the raggedy doctor doesn't phase them. They know he's real.
I like the idea that Amy is someone "out of her time". The question should not be about what the exact dates the events of "The Eleventh Hour" happen, which a lot of the fans are fixated upon, but from what time is AMY from. Leadworth gave me a strong The Prisoner vibe, so I kept wondering if the town, perhaps, was constructed as a safe haven for her. Or something. I had lots of other theories post watching "The Eleventh Hour" and "The Beast Below", but they's been pushed aside for this whole Amy-time-loop concept.
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