[PRIVATE]Something has been wrong with me lately, I can't believe I let Hasejun see that side of me. I wish I could piece it together so my mind will be more at ease. Ah.~ All this stress makes me want to go for a smoke right now. I hate not feeling like my normal cheerful self. Did I mention that I am in love? That's the main thing that has been going positive for me right now. I hope something doesn't happen and it gets taken away from me...[/PRIVATE]
Ah, I haven't updated this much recently.
Well I am in the dance club, drama club, and soccer club. The only thing I have done lately was work on the dancing with Goto.
So I was wondering if anyone wanted to have a little get together in my room? Tegoshi seems to be staying with family right now, so I have the whole room to myself. I wish I knew more people here!
My math grades are pretty bad right now I am sure. D;