Vampire Knight DS: Walkthrough: Kuran Kaname: Chapter One

Apr 21, 2009 05:20

I've collected several links featuring capture guides in anticipation of playing the game. They made literally no sense before but are much more understandable now. I hope this brief walkthrough will help you in your quest to conquer your favourite bishie's undead heart.

UPDATE: Someone (fireylight) submitted a FAQ & Walkthrough for this game on GameFAQs. Check it out!


First off, I should warn you that this is not a complete guide. I merely wanted to familiarize myself with the game play until my DSi arrives. (Update: Stupid region locks. Aaaaargh!!!!! *returns DSi and gets a DS Lite*) Thus, it will only cover the first chapter of Kaname's story. (I've spoiled myself enough already. >_<) There's also no guarantee this walkthrough is right so please save, save, save. Some walkthrough this is! *lol* So, moving on...

Where To Get The Game

I received mine from Play-Asia. YesAsia also has it available. Check out Google Shopping for more retailers.

Credits & Resources

Your first task is to check out the resources. Much of the credit belongs to DS ヴァンパイア騎士 ちょびっと攻略 - I just tried to make sense out if it all. ^-^ Keep in mind that you will need to visit this site to continue the later chapters:

Kaname's Route: Chapter One
Japanese Walkthrough | English Walkthrough (Google Translate)
Cross Academy Map | Alternative Map | Alternative Map

Other Guides

I recommend that you read these either before or while you're playing the game. Reading it after would be kind of be too late if you're not familiar with the game or can't understand Japanese.

Vampire Knight DS: Gameplay Guide by jiangryudo
Note: I will refer to the link above at several points in the walkthrough.

Kuran Kaname Fangirling Summaries by kaho-yukimura
Intro Summary
Kuran Kaname: Part 1
Kuran Kaname: Part 2

Symbol Legend

♞ - Encounters with Kaname
★ - Activities
♥ - Love points
「...」 - In-game choices
⑤, ⑧, ⑰, etc. - Directions: Refer to the Cross Academy Map (Click on "見回り地図".)
Note: - Refer to jiangryudo's Gameplay Guide
- ... - - Additional instructions

The Essentials

Starting the game is fairly simple. Once you're past the opening credits, choose 「New Game」. It will ask for your family name and your personal name. 「OK」? Default is Cross Yuuki. If you know what your name is in Japanese, go ahead use it. The VK characters will not voice your name, but it will display in the text box.

Saving is also simple. Go to 「Menu」. Choose 「Save」. Tap to pick any data slot from one to six. If you wish to load a saved game, go to 「Menu」 and 「Game End」. Confirm 「Yes」. You will be taken to the main screen. Choose 「Continue」 and pick your desired slot. Voila! (I recommend that you save often - especially right before a mini-game.)

The Walkthrough

- Automatically collect Night Class CG -
- Select 「はい」 and tap once or just select 「いいえ」. -

You are at ⑤.

1. Go left, down, down, down to ⑰. ♞ Encounter Kaname.

2. Select 「女の子の悲鳴」.

3. Select 「おせっかいだよ」. Zero will not give you ♥s. <-- T_T but a good thing since you're going for *Kaname*, remember?

- Select 「はい」 for a rundown or just select 「いいえ」. -

4. Choose 「Decorate」. Choose 「Dress」, 「知的なドレス1」 (White dress), and 「Get」. Go 「Back」.
Note: If you need guidance, refer to 3. Gameplay: Mini Games, Part 1: Day Class Menu.

5. Choose 「Guardian」. Aim for a GREAT JOB!
Note: Refer to 3. Gameplay: Mini Games, Part 3: Mini Game: Fan Mail.

6. Go left, left, down to ⑧. Play the ★ Stalking game. Choose "玖蘭 枢" (Top-most left window). A perfect score will give 11 ♥s and 40 Intellect.
Note: Refer to Night Time Games, Part 2: Mini Game: Stalking.

7. Go down, down to ⑰. Play the ★ Night Patrol game. Aim for GREAT JOB!
Note: Refer to Night Time Games, Part 1: Mini Game: Night Patrol.

8. Go down, down, right, right to G. ★ Receive an invitation to a party. Change into the 「知的なドレス1」 (Tap twice on white dress under 「Dress」). 「Finish」 to attend the party. Do not leave - 「No」 - until you see Kaname. Receive 10 ♥s.
Note: Refer to Part 3: Mini Game: Night Class Ball (AKA: Dressing up (You / Girl)

9. Choose 「Decorate」. 「Get」 the following items:

「シルクハット」 - Black silk hat (under 「Head」)
「マント」 - Black cape (under 「Item」)
「フリルシャツ」 - White ruffled shirt (under 「Tops」)
「黒ズボン」 - Black pants (under 「Bottoms」)

10. Choose 「Rest」. Play the ★ Dress Up game. Choose 「玖蘭 枢」 and change him into the ensemble above. Receive 10 ♥s.
Note: Refer to 3. Gameplay: Mini Games, Part 2: Mini Game: Dressing Up (Boys).

11. Select 「あげる」. Choose 「他の人……」, 「他の人……」, then 「玖蘭 枢」 to give Kaname your chocolate.

12. Go right, right to ⑦. ★ Receive an invitation to a party. Change into the white dress 「知的なドレス1」 . Choose 「No」 until hopefully Kaname gives you 10 ♥s.

13. Go left, left, down, down, down, down to A. ★ Stalk Kaname some more. Not getting caught will give you 11 ♥s and 40 Intellect.

14. Go up, up, up, up, left, left, down to ⑧. ★ Play the Night Patrol game. Aim for a GREAT JOB!

15. Go up, right, right, down, down, right to ⑮. ♞ Encounter Kaname. Choose the following options:


~♫ ♫ ♫ COLLECT A CG! ♪ ♪ ♪~

- Continue on to Chapter 2 -

Closing Paragraphs

Hopefully by now you've gotten a feel for the game and can follow the directions on this lovely site on your own. If you have any questions or find any inconsistencies, I will try to help you.

And, no, I cannot translate what is being said in the game. I actually only have a vague idea of what's happening. My Japanese is limited to statements like アリガトウ, スミマセン, ゴメンナサイ, シツレイ, and マダマダダネ. You have no idea how excited I get when I hear those words. XD XD XD So, umm, ゴメンネ. If you do come across another more in-depth summary, please let me know. Pretty please? ^o^/ Anyways, thank you and have fun!

walkthrough: vampire knight

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