bla bla bla dribble bla dribble bla bla dribble dribble bla bli bla

Jan 23, 2007 00:35

I really want to write something important right now, something worthwhile. I can't think of anything worthwhile to write probably because I have nothing worthwhile to write, but I'm still trying to. Perhaps by denouncing my own efforts to say something I'll find something to say ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

u_think_im_nice January 25 2007, 02:18:05 UTC
justin i wish i was your girlfriend


il_duce43 January 26 2007, 02:01:03 UTC
it really wouldn't be much fun, but thanks. Sorry I couldn't make it to the block party, I didn't have much of a way to make it up there. I'm sure and I hope we'll run into each other at the coffee shop or somewhere sooner or later.


nicolog February 1 2007, 21:51:47 UTC
somehow i overlooked this entry. i feel as though if I had reda it when you first posted it, I would be of some help. But now I'm raveled up in my own mess of things, that I rather just play some music.

That actually might help.


il_duce43 February 2 2007, 00:29:49 UTC
I think I'll try that, thanks Nico


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