And honestly the thought of it makes me want to curl up in a ball already.
I’m taking full-time (four subjects) plus one extra subject, one of which is a half-year project for an actual client so basically work experience. And we’re supposed to spend 10 hours a week per subject (total: 50 hours p/w).
Plus I have to do the equivalent of 20 full working days of (unpaid) placement - the equivalent of 160 hours, or 10-15 hours a week, depending on how long it’s spread over.
And do some actual paid work as well.
I have to try and do enough actual paid work to move out.
And pay off a wedding.
And pay off my car ($70 p/w).
Ohh and I have to try and not go completely bonkers as a result of stress.
I can wait and do work experience after I finish the year-so early next year-but it would result in me graduating 6 months late and not getting a good full-time job for another 6 months, so I would still be stuck in my hellhole of a hospitality job.
*crawls into hole*