I'm pulling a Mikari today.
October 1, 2005
So, I spent yesterday missing class to supervise a group of 5-6 year olds while they were visiting our school to meet future high school classmates and to spend a day doing fitness related activites. It was so much fun! My friends and I formed our group and the kids that we got assigned to were so awesome. They were very different from each other but they were all obviously having fun. We had the fastest boy during our shift of the half mile run. I was so proud of him! And during the girls' turn, I was standing at the midpoint of the race. The two girls who were in the lead go running past me. One was panting really hard. I could hear her breathing and it sounded like she was trying to swallow air or something. But she kept doing her best and won. You can learn so much from those midgets.
I woke up tres early this morning so I could go back to the college I spent my summer at. We spent the bulk of the morning/afternoon doing college prep stuff and socializing. It was a tres happy experience because everyone was so happy to see their fwendies and buddies again. Me included. Monkeyfeet63 and bolingbabe_12 were there. The funny thing is that I didn't talk to them until like, 60-90 minutes after I arrived. For no reason, of course. I knew I would totally go over the edge into hyperville if I did. And the crash always follows, so I waited. But OMG, I had the time of my life. Pumpkins were carved after lunch, and we couldn't come up with a design. So... we kinda carved our pumpkin into... uh... a DDR mat. yep. You heard me. It was a blast. We were sharing stories, socializing, all that. Except monkeyfeet63 had already heard the bulk of my stories because most of them are in my bloggie. I was wondering how he knew about everything I was going to tell him before I actully told him... I just thought that I was being forgetful and forgot that I had already told him. At least I don't owe the kid anymore hugs. Just cookies. The guy's like the best plushie ever. You know, you have those people who are kinda not built for hugs. They either A. Feel too fragile to hug or B. Is built in such a way as that one's arms will hurt if hugged too hard. Meaning that their height positions their chops right at arm level when you hug them. long story.
Friday Night:
Maniatty! Our football game played the best game of the year so far. (pep band played well too) We were ahead 2nd and 3rd quarter... Then, with less than 30 seconds left, the opposing team scores a touchdown. The score was tied. Their kicker walks up.
Clarinet Players: CHOKE!!! CHOKE, KICKER, CHOKE!!!
Girl sitting by moi: NO! NO! NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!
Moi: wah.
Girl sitting by moi: *is talking to band director* Let's play a cheer! Come on! Play! This is too much for me!
Kicker: *prepares to kick*
Kicker: *kicks*
FootBall: *flies gracefully*
Commentator: AND THEY MAKE IT!
Clarinets: NO!
So by then, there were 17 seconds left on the clock.
Girl sitting by moi: We need a miracle touchdown! A 30 meter toss and a 40 meter miracle run!
So yeah, we lost by one point. Too bad our own kicker blew so many field goals.
I think I'm getting football now! Before, I had absolutely zero clue on what was going on until the people scream, "TOUCHDOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". But now I can kind of pick out a bad situation or vice versa.
Then was Maniatty dance! The only dance besides Halloween where bringing a partner isn't stressed. I made up my mind last minute, before I left the house, that I wouldn't go. But then my friend goes around and raises the $5 admission fee for me. Une bonne, bonne fille. So we go in and do our thing. I had yet to go to a party with her so I had no idea that she was such a wild dancer! Man, did we have fun. They didn't even play any slow songs. Then only half slow one was Wake Me Up When September Ends. So couples did their thing while me and mes amies did the jump and pump arm in air thing during the nonacoustic parts. I usually flee during the slow songs, but I didn't have a need to because the dance was actually only 90 minutes long. One of the last songs was Crazy Frog, aka Axel F. I accidentally say Alex F once and while... but that's my friend's theme song that she hums during random times in life, so I went almost all out. If you think I'm weird while dancing to Hip Hop, then you have yet to see me actually dance. Techno is my genre, and I do it right.
So the dance was cut short so we could do the screaming/cheering contest. I left right before it started b/c I had to work the next morning.
The girl from Varsity Soccer won Maniatty Queen
Football player won Maniatty King
And our class didn't win the screaming, but one of my other friend's did. Except she couldn't make it that night, so I went home and told her that MY class won. Got her all fired up for 10 min until I finally put her at peace by disclosing the fact SHE WON. blah. One of the classes supposedly 'banned' it until they made a surprise grande entrance. Tres funny. It's one of those too good to be true things. Never the less, they didn't win.
Jazz band was eventful. The director tells me to add some bass to my line and to play five times louder. He cuts off the rhythms section so I could play solo w/drums. Then he tells the guitar and bass to follow my example. Most flattering thing he's ever done. Later, he cuts off the whole band, plows over some saxophone and trombone players, throws himself on the keyboard, grabs my left hand and places it two octaves lower. I guess he uh... really wants that bass line to be heard. ^^;;;;;;;
I found this thing on AOL called the Anime Radio Station. I really recommend it. Very nice music, both instrumental and vocals. Thank goodness I remember my AOL sn that I've never ever used before of four years.
According to USPS, my copy of ddr extreme 2 should already be at my mom's work. Was tempted to retrieve it myself, but alas, I waited patiently. About another hour or so...
Am tired. Thank goodness that there's a late arrival tomorrow. *huggles sleep*