Title: Summer In Star City
Pairing: Chlollie
Spoilers: Set after the events of Salvation. Some time after Salvation to be exact. Chloe is living in Star City. What? Why? How? To be explained. Hopefully.
A very short teaser. I should hopefully have more soon.
The noise startled her and she paused in the act of throwing down her bag. Lowering it to the floor with a soft thud, she slipped off her shoes and took a few steps towards the kitchen.
Her hand automatically reached for the small pistol that she had carried since her last and uncomfortably close brush with death. Holding it out ahead of her, she made her way gingerly to the kitchen door almost dropping it when she saw just who was stood there.
“The Green Arrow?”
She blinked rapidly. He was silhouetted against the moonlight streaming in from the window behind him but it was unmistakably him. It wasn’t the first time she had come home to find him in her apartment but she didn‘t think she‘d ever get used to a green leather-clad man, in dark glasses and a voice changer hanging out in her little apartment.
Star City’s resident hero had taken a special interest in her recently and she was highly suspicious.
She waited until her heart stopped thumping before speaking and was pleased to hear that she sounded quite normal, “don’t you have anything better to do then skulk around in my kitchen?”
He glanced at the pistol quickly before looking up again and leaning against the arched doorway leading into the kitchen, “I don’t skulk.”
“I call this skulking. Breaking and entering is a crime. Aren’t you supposed to be fighting it not adding to it ?”
He didn’t speak for a long time and his silence was almost as oppressive as the heat, “I wanted to make sure you got home safely Miss Sullivan.”
She squeezed by him on tip-toes, careful not to brush against him and took a can of Diet Coke from the fridge and held it against her forehead briefly before popping open the tab and taking a long gulp.
She couldn’t see him. Not properly because of the dark glasses he wore and the hood which cast a shadow over his face but she detected a strange intensity in his stance and her fingers tightened around the aluminum can.
She stepped back, moving further into the shadows herself and frowned, “is this a service you offer to all the women in Star City? Because three house calls in as many weeks are…well, weird. Suspicious actually.”
She saw one corner of his mouth twitch slightly before he schooled his features into an impassive mask again, “just the ones with a death wish and,,” he added with a bright smile, “most women wouldn’t complain.”
She rolled her eyes and bit back the smile that threatened to break out. She reminded herself that she was annoyed, “You have a high opinion of yourself and FYI, I’m not most women.”
“Believe me, I know…”
“And don’t expect me to swoon at your feet because I won’t…” she stopped suddenly as his words registered and her eyes narrowed. “What do you mean you know?”
“Well,” he shrugged, “most women would swoon.”
“Hmm,” she bit her lip and tried to shrug off the feeling that he had meant something else entirely.
She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and noticed he had stilled completely as if he had sensed her unease. She reached for the light switch almost before she knew what she was doing and was startled to find him beside her, his gloved hand covering hers, stopping her from flicking the switch down and bathing the kitchen in light.
Neither of them spoke for a long moment. Her breath hitched slightly when his thumb moved over hers and she tired to pull her hand away from underneath his but he held it against the wall.
She laughed softly, “I’ve seen pictures countless times. You’re in the newspaper almost everyday.”
He breathed out gently and she could feel the skin on her neck break out in Goosebumps where it touched her, “not like this.”
And with that he was moving away from her almost faster then she could process. She blinked as he took a few steps and flung himself through her open window and seemingly disappeared.
Comments would be adored :)