i have more, they're just not clear at all. can't say my camera did very well this weekend tbh..
feeder soundchecking. we got closer, just took photos from far away
as it says on the tin...
underOATH guy getting a polite reception
mcr somewhere in the depths of a red glow
feeder proper like
the dwarves and their nakedness
hot guy from the*ga*ga*s
captain obvious
that crazy dude off the telly
sabbath crowd shot
he so old
sabbath again
society 1's guy suspended from hooks
no hope in new jersey's dead fit blonde lead singer
crrrrrraaaaaazzzzzzyyyyyyy pit
80s matchbox
team sleep
system crowd
system and excessive security
the VF crew & guy from 80s matchbox. clockwise from chris on the floor: chris, amrit, ross, guy, justin, dan, steve.
and tharrr's yer lot.