Jan 13, 2003 19:45
Aight.. i am one year older guys. nice huh? tomarrow the 14th is my birthday.. at 4:34pm exactly. so.. so happy Bday or i will hate you forever. (joey saying) alright bye
Jan 12, 2003 00:48
aight, i am coming home from my friends place and i cant see shit. where did the fog come from..can someone answer me this ? try goin all fast on the freeway in this fog.. it is freakin narley.
Jan 09, 2003 09:13
dude guys.. i rule!. i got up at freakin 7:30 this morning... and exercised, went for a jog, vibed these two cute moms near my elementry school, and am bout to go to big 5! all by 9:30!! dang... i think this is like a record for me or something.... aight.. just thought i would share the triumph with u all.. ok later.
Jan 02, 2003 01:39
me and john and matt are like sitting here.. just slothing around.. whats the situation tonight.. anybody doin anything?? u know what movie it the sweetest?? Super Troopers.... haha.. thats funny ish.. check it out.. "HaHa.. i Got YOU, you Fucker! "
Jan 01, 2003 02:40
hey people, yea i dont know what u all did tonight, but HAppy New year.. hope your nights are very chill..
Dec 26, 2002 01:30
alright.. i am bored. it is like late christmas night, or the morning after or whatever. my freakin buddy list wont load. what the F. how am i suppose to see whos online? dang it. alright later.
Dec 21, 2002 12:04
yea, last night was pretty chill. i actually went out and like did something.. well more so then usual. i drove to my school where some peeps were having a lil Social gathering.. from my i partaked in that was satisfactory. i am back at home again though. alright..lata..
Dec 18, 2002 22:15
alright, this is the stupidest game ever..joe just taught me the Going to the Moon game... anybody heard of it? yea well if not, u aint missin anything..
Dec 18, 2002 00:34 check out this madness... i so have this friend..she is like SSOOOOOO totally like a cutie.. wit the green eyes and the dark hair.. got that refinded hottie look.. she is da coolest, her name is lauren.. so yea..ok ask me about this chica..