Nov 29, 2004 20:07
Why am I supposed to care if they don't?
Nov 29, 2004 19:17
I love how little things get back to you. like simple phrases.
and I love how I haven't updated in a while, and I've updated like 3 times in the past 2 days..
Nov 29, 2004 19:11
eyeliner leads to addiction.
I hate it.
and I don't want to do it anymore
but I love it all the same.
This is terrible
Nov 28, 2004 21:10
what is the point of finger and toenails?
besides for making me mad?
I love marathons.
Nov 17, 2004 17:04
My math teacher is absolutely amazing.
I got my first 100 today in that class on a quiz!!!
After class, he pulls me aside and tells me "Shove that paper in your brothers face. and say 'ha! you never got this last year.' " (Since he had my brother last year)
Oh, math is definitely my favorite subject!
Nov 16, 2004 21:50
Why do relationships have to be so hard?
Because the only thing harder is being alone
So I think I want to go on a date. don't know why. don't know with who. maybe someone I've never met before. I want to start new, I guess.
Nov 11, 2004 22:05
Sarah: mhm! haha i put toothpaste on my pimple. i just had a vibe that maybe it would make my pimple less noticeable.
Sarah: it didnt work though.
Sarah: =[
...what is there to say?
other than I love her to death!!!...
Nov 09, 2004 21:54
Is it bad when I haven't had a real appetite since Saturday?
I challenge everyone-for one day, go without telling a single lie. even if it's just stretching the truth a little. see if you can do it. Because lies nowadays are coming in more frequently than *inserts good analogy here*
Nov 07, 2004 16:49
chapters=amazing. if you want to hear about it, read my friends page because everyone else have said the things I was going to say.
The bus ride was really comfortable. Josh and I talked a lot, which was awesome. Usually, I have a hard time talking to people for a long time, but I didn't last night. It was really great.
I hate being jealous.