OOC Relationship Meme. :)

Jan 24, 2006 17:37

Curious what Fllay thinks of your characters? Post here and I'll respond OOCly. :)

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Comments 40

classprotector January 24 2006, 22:43:25 UTC
For Buffy and Anne?


ill_fllay_you January 25 2006, 02:45:51 UTC

Buffy: Fllay used to find Buffy a little ... off. Nice, but off. But lately - especially after the whole "I want to leave most!" thing - Fllay's found herself actually respecting her (though she won't admit it) because she doesn't react by insulting her or giving up but by trying to explain things without coming off as condescending.

They don't have much in common though, and Fllay still struggles with whether Buffy's being serious or joking. But she likes her well enough for now (Fllay's nothing if not fickle, and they haven't spoken much) and will try and be friendly.

Anne: Fllay likes Anne quite a bit. Bonding over fashion is always a big plus for Fllay, and she finds Anne to be very nice. She'd love to see her loosen up a little though, and would totally drag her out shopping or something if it were possible. Anne's a camper Fllay would like to get to know a little better, definitely.


platinum_haine January 24 2006, 22:55:15 UTC
Ooh, ooh, do me, do me |D?


ill_fllay_you January 25 2006, 02:51:37 UTC
Okies. :)

Fllay's a little cautious of Haine - first the voice thing, then the chocolates, now the sci-fi - but she thinks she's sweet and fun, even though her energy puts her off a little.

She doesn't quite consider her a friend yet, but Haine's someone she'd totally help out (with little things, of course) if she needed it. But she's totally keeping away from her food.


latrine_orderly January 24 2006, 23:03:05 UTC


ill_fllay_you January 25 2006, 03:09:39 UTC
... Fllay doesn't like Excel. Like, at all. She totally disregarded her happy wedding advice and admitted to killing chibis/planning on eating puppies. All these, plus the fact that Excel considers "taking care of herself" to mean "keeping herself alive" give Fllay a nice feeling of superiority over her. Basically, she's convinced that she totally pwns Excel at everything. She, of course, also thinks she's quite nuts ... though not in a way she'd feel bad about commenting on.

Right now, she sees them as having a slight rivalry. If she finds out about the Fillet O'Fish or Excel convincing Ash she's a Pokemon/Pokemon poacher, however ... well, bad things.


latrine_orderly January 25 2006, 03:50:16 UTC
Excel likewise looks down on Fllay because she sees her as prissy and spoiled, and those are two of the worst things a person can be in Excel's eyes.

Haha, and she has no qualms with using Ash whatsoever. ♥


ill_fllay_you January 25 2006, 19:26:03 UTC
It amuses me that they're, like, the exact opposite of each other but the same when it comes to the yelling. :)

Woe. And you had to go and mess with the one camper who doesn't think Fllay's crazy, too. XD


commander_bitch January 24 2006, 23:08:45 UTC
:: Yzak/Tolle salute! Since Fllay never met Jona yet~ ::


ill_fllay_you January 25 2006, 03:31:38 UTC
Yzak: ... Fllay hates Yzak. It really angers her that he insists he was right to be mean to her because of something she couldn't control (being a hypocrite is fun) and that he focused on himself when she told him what Klueze had done. Blaming him wasn't something she had intended to do but Yzak's attitude frustrated her to the point where she couldn't help herself. Yes, she does believe that she might not have been so trusting had he been nicer, but she doesn't think he's at fault. This is something Yzak will never hear, however. :)

Yzak jumping on her for shooting at Dearka surprised her, but not enough to convince her that he's not just a violent nutcase with no social skills. She truly believes that he's a bad person. She'll keep her distance, but won't stand down if he says something to her.

Tolle: Fllay was really happy to see Tolle, even though they didn't get along that well on the AA. She was annoyed at first that he was lying to himself about his death (and a little jealous) but she feels bad for upsetting him and doesn't ( ... )


hasibutzi January 24 2006, 23:40:06 UTC
Tot and Atsuko no tame ni.


ill_fllay_you January 25 2006, 03:53:45 UTC
Tot: Fllay feels really protective over Tot. She's very suspicious about her past (which is why she tried to get some information from not!Tot) and is worried about what happened to her. She's sort of ... her project, but in a good way because she wants to make sure she's okay. Fllay'd stand up for her in a heartbeat if she ever saw someone picking on her. That aside, she adores her and would like to get to know her better. Though their personalities are a little different, she thinks they have a lot in common.

Atsuko: Atsuko is a definite maternal figure for Fllay, and she really appreciates that she's there. Fllay definitely looks up to her because she thinks she's strong and that's something Fllay aspires towards. She's very grateful that Atsuko has her back and would definitely have hers if the need arose. It's not just the whole maternal thing though - Fllay really likes Atsuko and thinks of her as a friend.

She is, of course, still a little disappointed that she got married without a proper hairstyle, regardless of the


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