"Karma is a funny thing."

Nov 08, 2007 16:11

#1! THIS is my favorite new thing in the world and may be becoming an addiction very rapidly just as windexneenja predicted. But really, how awesome is it? You get to learn obscure words, test your own vocabulary (I got to level 48 but then I had to go & actually do some stuff), and help people: for every word you define correctly, they donate 10 grains of ( Read more... )

wga, being all up with the current events, charity

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Comments 8

cynthiadoll November 9 2007, 07:14:17 UTC
Oooh that word-rice website is addictive.


illama November 9 2007, 21:25:44 UTC
It truly is.


amphetamine_47 November 9 2007, 20:07:15 UTC
You should get Amber addicted to the word rice game, too :)


illama November 9 2007, 21:26:10 UTC
Bwahaha, excellent idea!


toxicavnger2004 November 13 2007, 04:10:33 UTC
Dwight is totally my hero. Did you see last week's episode, with all his various weapons hidden throughout the office? I swear, that was the best thing I've ever seen all day.


illama November 13 2007, 05:27:50 UTC
Hahaha, yes! Oddly enough, that reminded me a little bit of myself. Not that I hide major knives throughout my office, but I do keep a barbeque fork in a drawer in my bedroom.


toxicavnger2004 November 13 2007, 05:29:24 UTC
Fair enough. Hey, do you by any chance use any instant messengers? I haven't talked to you in like, fornebber.


illama November 14 2007, 14:01:15 UTC
Yes, but I'm on sporadically because my mom's computer hates AIM, so I only use it when I'm on the laptop. It's tori loves llamas


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