Going to see my first roller derby game next week! My sister's team is playing and I'm gonna sit alllll the way in the front and see everything :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD Then go to the after party, hi5!!!!
So I figured out if I buy two one way tickets I can get a r/t for $289 to NC and back. This is much better than $380, but I'm going to see if I can finagle it even lower. omg noiz I'm comingggg
I wonder how much it would be to rebook a return flight if I went ahead and got this ticket for one that leaves NC at 6 AM and just missed it. Do they give you a break or it's just whatever the ticket cost is?
Got Pokemon. Played it for 9 hours, until my DS battery went dead. Can't beat the second damn gym leader. Also can't beat my sister in any duels even though we started at the same time :'( Her Chikorita is a beast
EEEEEEEEE new Pokemon tomorrow!!! I traded in Viva Pinata and Dead Rising (both terrible games I couldn't get ten bux for elsewhere) and paid for part of my preorder with that, so I killed two birds with one stone. I'm so excited to walk around with my Pokewalker and walk those fucking Pokemons to death