Okay dudes... today's that day again. Try not to get, like, all bummed out. Okay? Just rumors. I don't wanna see no sad faces. Spring Break is like... just around the corner, right? Focus on that stuff I guess. I dunno. I'm not good with this sort of advice.
Maybe I should call my cat.
Heh. Who should I pick on today? Should I leave little Zuzu alone? It's getting pretty damned embarrassing now. "Oh wah. I love my mommy, stop." God. I already knew he lost his balls when he came back this year, I didn't think he lost them literally.
Maybe I should make a rumor about myself? Just in case anyone is suspicious. Not like anyone would be. They're all idiots.
[ooc: Icon shows as 'I'll call my cat!' and his mood reads as 'contemplative']