Feb 21, 2006 10:45
I feel pretty, oh so pretty, so pretty and witty and gaaaaaay
AND I PITY any girl who isn't me today.
I feel.. charming, oh so charming,
it's alarming how charming I feeeeeeeeel.
Let's all go prancing in the streets.
Jan 04, 2006 20:39
Ok homies.
2005 owned me, hard.
So in this 2006 I aim to make more time for things such as livejournal.
Ho yeah.
I thought I had something more significant and kapow-ish to say but I don't so..
I'm out for a week, PACE.
Nov 07, 2005 01:26
Oh man, did anyone else notice that when you leave a comment and type 'LJ'
like the L and J mush together to form some type of.. U
I've been sick and icky and other such things.
But yesterday was Guy Fawkes and goddamn I feel good.
Pictures to come sometime.. next year. Because I'm a sucky U-er like that.
Oct 27, 2005 23:46
Ok homies.
So ok ok.
I'm dropping out of school, and becoming a bum artist.
..holy fuck.
Oct 13, 2005 20:01
Just for once, for one day, could someone be me and let me have a holiday from myself? Please?