i miss you! and you come back soon! <3333 katya...btw, what did you mean by the comment on my lj a few days back? alright glad you're having fun and enjoy it till the end. <333
it erased my freakin comment
July 18 2005, 07:15:58 UTC
will im super pissed i worte a kick ass commment and then i posted it and it's all like error blah blah blah. well basically i said come home NOW, cause im going to mexico and i need someone to tell me how to blend in. oh and i told you to bring me home like i cool piece of ancient stuff, or a shirt that said "i got stoned in peru" with a picture of the ruins behind it cause that would be funny. Come home we miss you Ellion Gonzalez..oh shit i mean William Adams. But seriously if you need me just call 281 330 8004(its Mike Jones' #)
I spoke with your dad this am. I had him opening the housing info and its just information on buying linen for the beds...so it was a false alarm. I did go online and it said the housing assignments won't be sent out until August.
Comments 3
Glad you're feeling better.
Talk to you soon, love - mom
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