Russell T. Davies, you are DEAD TO ME! DEAD!!!!!!!

Jul 09, 2009 21:25

There will be serious, MAJOR spoilers for Torchwood: Children of Earth Episode 4 behind the cut so be forewarned. Also, I am pissed about said spoilers so be prepared to read some really bad language, ranting and many, many insulting things being said about Mr. Russell T. Davies...

I was looking forward to this series, eagerly anticipating the action & adventure & hoping for some romance. For the first 3 episodes I wasn't disappointed AT ALL! I even managed to enjoy Gwen which hadn't happened since Season 1 Episode 1, so I was pretty stoked. And then I saw the spoiler pics for episode 4 and I started to worry. Then I watched the episode & I wanted to SCREAM! That was made difficult because I was crying though.

I thought that TW killing off Tosh & Owen had been hard. I thought that after that emotional blow we'd all get a respite from death for a while. I'd hoped we'd all have time to get used to it just being Jack, Ianto & Gwen, maybe bring a couple of new characters in to make it interesting. I was wrong. Apparently, RTD thought it would be better just to keep the death-spiral going because the viewers had just lost 2 characters we loved a few months ago, so what's one more, right?

So, they killed Ianto.

They killed Ianto & they didn't even let Jack say "I love you" before he died. I don't know what Russell T. Davies was thinking. He surely wasn't thinking that this was a character that the fans loved & adored! He sure as HELL wasn't thinking that there is a large portion of the fandom that watches this show because of Ianto & he was going to be shooting himself in the ass by killing him off. Clearly, he was thinking, as he always seems to, that as long as Jack & Gwen survive, everyone else is expendable.

Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Davies, that's BULLSHIT! You may have written this show intending to have Gwen be the heart of it, but unfortunately for you, the fans saw who the REAL heart of Torchwood was & that was Ianto Jones. And, unless he is somehow miraculously brought back from the dead on tomorrow's final episode, I don't think it will matter that Gwen & Jack survived to half of your audience because they won't be watching any longer. I thought I was pissed when they killed Toshiko, but it is nothing to how angry I am now!

I'm so fucking sick of writers/shows killing off the most interesting, complex characters only to prop up the ones that the audience doesn't really give a rat's ass about! Tosh was a strong female character who was not only attractive, but intelligent, resourceful, and endearingly vulnerable. She was someone you rooted for, someone you could identify with. Owen was a smart-assed, cantankerous player that at first seemed like a total dick, but really had a heart of gold and when his past was revealed in "Fragments" you couldn't help but feel for him & understand him that much more. And then there is Ianto. He had so many facets, so many layers & Gareth David-Lloyd inhabited him so beautifully & allowed us to see how complex the character was that I can't understand how they could kill him off. Yes, it packs an emotional punch, but at what cost? We've lost a beloved character that grounded the show & gave it real depth of emotion in ever scene be that humor or angst or love. Ianto's character & his relationship with Jack made this show more than just campy British Sci-fi.It made it worth watching.

Of course, after what RTD did to Donna (my favorite companion) in the S4 Dr. Who finale I shouldn't be surprised. He has his favorites & he makes sure they always get their happy endings & screw the characters that the fans love! What he did to Donna in that episode was a shameful, pathetic cop-out & so was what he did to Ianto.

If Ianto is no more, if he's gone forever & all we're left with is Jack & Gwen then Torchwood has ended for me. I don't want to continue to get emotionally invested in characters that are just going to be killed off at the drop of a hat because it'll be good for ratings or for the bottom line.

And, yes, there are more important things to be pissed off about, I know that & believe me, I do my part to change the things that I can. I write my congressmen & my state assemblymen/women & make my voice heard. So, I think I'm entitled to bitch a little about this becaus I watch TV to escape. I watch tv to have a few hours of fun where I can see the world as I'd like it to be. I watch tv because it's a bright spot in an otherwise mildly depressing world. I don't watch tv to be emotionally bitchslapped.

This isn't the end of the world for me, obviously. Life will go on. I'll raise my kids & do the laundry, maybe read a few good books, but I'm not going to stop being pissed off about this. Just as the "death" of Wesley Wyndam-Pryce still pisses me off to this DAY, the "death" of Ianto Jones will irritate me for years to come! It's time's like these when I understand Cathy Bate's character in Misery! Not that I'd do that to anyone's feet because...EWWWWWW, but I sympathize with her. I feel her pain, ya know. Having your favorite characters killed off by unfeeling writers can really piss you off!

Ok, the rant is now over. I feel a little better, although, I feel another little crying moment coming on. I'm gonna go into the kitchen, eat something very bad for me & read smutty slash fanfic until I don't feel like punching someone in the frakking face anymore.

R.I. P. Ianto Jones! You were a beautiful, beautiful, brilliant teaboy & you looked great in a suit!

rant, torchwood, ianto, rtd

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