So, I have been an utter and COMPLETE slack-ass about posting in my LJ, but I had to post some thoughts on tonight's episode of Supernatural. There will be spoilers for tonight's episode that just aired "Free To Be You and Me" and also some spoilers regarding next week's episode, so be warned!
First off, I just want to say that Kripke & Co. are total slashy fangirl enablers! Tonight's episode featured so many lovely Dean/Cas moments that I was grinning like a moron the whole hour! First off...personal space issues! The fact that the personal space intrusion tonight took place in the bathroom was all kinds of intimate IMO and the fact that they've had "talks" about it before warms my heart. Wonder what ELSE they talk about when we're not around. ;-) Secondly I ADORED FakeFBIAgen!Cas! Dean, buttoning Cas' shirt up, straightening his tie, and putting the badge in his inside coat pocket for him as if it was the most natural thing in the world was really adorable. It was a very intimate thing to do and Dean's desire to try to teach Cas how to be more human is very sweet.
The whorehose incident was amusing, just for poor Cas' terrified expression. The fact that he also chugged his beer and expressed a desire to NOT be there was adorable. I think he was just doing it for Dean, because he knew it was Dean's way of saying he cares. And when they left...SIGH! The laughter, the touching, the sweet little smile on Cas' sweet little face! He's good for Dean and Dean is good for him. LOBSTERS!!!!
The fact that we find out in this episode what happens to the vessels of Archangels-i.e. they basically end up as vegatables- makes Cas' need to find God so he can stop Lucifer all the more telling. Cas does not WANT Dean to end up like that poor bastard that Raphael had been inhabiting and he would if he allowed Michael to use him for a meat suit. Once again, Cas is showing how much Dean means to him and it is beyond squee-worthy!
Raphael was a rather sad figure. I did feel a bit sorry for him because he's basically just a kid that has always depended on their parent to be there for everything and now that God's AWOL he (and a lot of the rest of them) just don't have a clue what to do. So, they are letting Zach lead them into doing the WRONG THING! I did however, enjoy Cas being a big potty mouth in regard to Raph. I mean, the guy KILLED HIM...he's entitled to be a little pissed about that! And, Dean's "What he said..." LOVED IT! The entire time he was mouthing off, defending Cas' honor and helping him spring the trap even though he thought it was a stupid idea. He's nothing if not a supportive boyfriend!LOL!
The talk they had in the car was a highlight of the episode for me. Even though Dean does not believe in God he was doing his best to reassure Cas that what Raphael said didn't matter. He didn't want Cas to lose his faith so he put his own lack of faith aside and helped his friend. Dean Winchester...I HEART YOU!!!! And, even though Dean said he was glad to be away from Sam, it seemed clear from Castiel's face that he didn't really believe that, but he seemed to feel that Dean was strong enough to be on his own. And he is. It's what's best for both Dean and Sam. They need to learn to be independent of one another and not be so freaking co-dependent and obsessed with each other. Their lives have been very insular by the nature of what they do, so they've had to be each other's whole worlds to an extent, but it's time they branched out and started being whole people on their own.
Overall, I loved the episode and I was all "WHOOT! I CALLED IT!" over Lucifer confirming that he had intended to take Sam as his vessel! So Sam was destined to be Lucifer's vessel, Dean was destined to be Michael's and if they both give in they will both end up catatonic, eating their food through a tube until they die. Lovely destiny! Their mom shoudl be glad she's dead because she'd have a shitload to answer for about now what with all her deal making and whatnot!OY!
Now, I have seen a LOT of angst being expressed over the trailer for next week's episode, specifically the bit showing Cas as a stoned out "Gaius Baltar" type who has orgies with WOMEN (GASP! DAMN IT, HE'S A GAY ANGEL & HE'S IN LOVE WITH DEAN!!! DO YOU WRITERS NOT EVEN WATCH YOUR OWN SHOW?!)Sorry...had to get that out! Anyway, I will admit that it has me a little worried, BUT...from what I've read the episode's premise is that Zachariah sends Dean into this "supposed" future to see what the world will be like if he keeps saying NO to being Mike's meat suit. It's supposed to be Zach's way of convincing Dean to relent and agree, so of COURSE he would make it as horrible and unpleasant as possible. And, for Dean, the world being taken over by Demon!Zombie's, Sam being all dark side and Cas being totally human and being down with lots of pot and orgies involving WOMEN would seem like the worst case scenario, right?
I mean, the thing is that this is NOT what is going to happen 5 years down the road. This is what Zachariah WANTS Dean to think will happen 5 years down the road. It's a mind game, a total manipulation on his part to get Dean to fall in line. So, I think if we look at it from that perspective it doesn't have to mean anything bad for the Cas/Dean relationship in the current timeline. And, it's pretty telling that even in Zach's gloom and doom future Cas is still there, fighting by Dean's side. Also, whose to say that the orgies ONLY involve women? Maybe future-Stoner!Cas is an equal opportunity orgier? We can only hope and honestly, if the episode features Shirtless!Cas getting his snack on with part of his harem I think I can manage to suffer through it if it means we get a little Misha skin! Yes, I admit it...I am a perv.