That hand on his shoulder was still there.
David sighs, putting his elbows on the rail in front of them, glancing at his watch as they slowly inched upwards, with Blaine pointing everything he could possibly see from their vantage point.
No shit that’s the cotton candy booth, no shit there’s people down there, and no shit that “is there something wrong”?
Dave grumbles an unconvincing no, looking upwards at Mercedes’ and Kurt’s cart, of them taking pictures of themselves to later shove onto facebook if they can manage to get the flash correctly. Even that seemed like a better position to be in than this.
But Blaine’s hand slides from his shoulder down his arm and giving a quick squeeze at the elbow before pulling away, scooting over a bit to look over the window’s edge.
It takes awhile- by the time they’re three quarters done with the turn that Blaine feels David invading his personal space, sitting shoulder to knee close, and he doesn’t turn around, but smiles.
(pic by