Title: A Rose among Thorns (2/?)
illuminatius Pairing(s): Dave/Strando, Klaine.
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and using the F word.
Word Count: 3375
Warnings: OOC!Strando, Rachel.
Spoilers: Well...Strando, I guess?
Summary: When Strando moved to Ohio, he did not expect find someone like Dave.
Previous chapters:
Chapter OneA/N: Mucho love to
scarletfbl for her
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Comments 6
Thank you for the observation, though. I'm going to explain his behavior in the next chapter.
I was so happy to find that you had posted another installment of this fic! XD Because of you, I think I'm addicted to Strando/Dave! I love it this pairing so much!
Aww, poor Strando. :-( Don't give up, dear! Dave just requires a little bit of patience. ^_^
This chapter was excellent and I seriously can't wait for more! <333
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