Where do I even start on this? I guess I should just throw my thoughts out from the beginning. I love Durdanios, I really do but I always can't help myself but question the company he keeps. That doesn't mean I'm trying to turn him into something he isn't I just... can't grasp why he is around those he's around.
Vynirin...... Tandem.
I like Vynirin less then I like Tandem. Not because I just don't like him there's just something odd about Duo's new 'brother'. I can't put my finger on it at all. I know I'm a mage and a master of the arcane arts. But that doesn't give him the right and the 'okay' for him to just pop up out of the blue when I'm talking to someone and damn near demand a portal by asking ever so politely. Saying no just makes me look like a stuck up bitch. Which I'm not!
Frustrating, and speaking of that, I need a cold shower. A long ice cold shower. Tandem is just...... how to put this delicately, he's a primal force of energy that you can't really bottle up. Doing so just seems cruel and unusual. He spoke this odd language to Me'wei, and upon inquiring where I could learn it, there seem to be this huge secret that I nearly broke open.
I guess I should be use to that feeling. Everything we had to do was kept secret. Relationships, sexuality, thoughts, in my world if anyone learned something that could be used against you it was a terrible thing. If they didn't align themselves to you and your cause then don't trust them, don't compare notes don't speak with them even casually. It was lonely work really, and I'm no longer a part of that world anymore. I was excommunicated by them for breaking their rule about visiting the magic diseased area's.
I had someone I loved in the thick of it. Are they nuts?
I'm suppose to be getting myself a job as a Magistrix in service to the Blood Knights. I have no idea what to do with myself if that doesn't work. I don't exactly have a back bone. Either way back to Tandem.
I don't know what it is about him...... but he's really damn distracting..... or disarming. I feel really relax and almost like I'm .... Well Durdanios has heard him talk about wanting to get me into bed with him. Yet doesn't say anything to get Tandem to back down. I mean I don't mind sharing Durdanios with him but.... does that mean it works the other way too? Why was I not informed on this matter when I first started getting involved with him again......
I mean I've read some of the erotic novels about the matter. Threesomes and all that, but I never in my wildest dreams would think of ever getting involved with things like that. I mean, the concept of watching two men is slightly.... arrousing...... but still! I'm not all that good at public displays of affection. Now that I can't but again it's that life as a scryers thing again. It took me nearly twenty years to admit that I still loved someone after I left them.
And now I might get roped into bed with two men, one a former ex-boyfriend the other...... his boyfriend.
I swear men ....
....... also just as an observation based on personality I think Tandem like Durdanios' former Captain Runistis. Always the dominating one in the relationship in a good way.