Soda Pop Open-Meme!
Welcome to the party. It's like an ice cream social without the ice cream!
Tables are covered in black cloth, but atop them is what you'll need to focus on.
Soda arranged in a rainbow spans across each table; the only question now is which color you'll take!
1. RED: You are irrevocably in love with the next person you see after drinking this cherry flavored soda! Who knows if they return the feeling, but you need to tell them how you feel, and they need to know now!
2. ORANGE: Kissing! Kisses everywhere. You don't care what kind of kisses they are or where they're placed, but you need to satisfy this kissing urge as soon as possible!
3. YELLOW: For some reason, you're in a rather sour mood now. Grumpy! Maybe it's that tang of citrus in your drink... Only the company of someone else will help you now! The closer you are to them, the better you feel.
4. GREEN: Suddenly, you're overcome with the need for hugs. Cuddles. Maybe even hand holding. For some unknown reason, you have an intense desire for some affection!
5. BLUE: Your personality has just done a 180! Looking at your sworn enemy? They're now your soul mate. Were you the most villianeous villian to ever live? Now you're quite the hero! Who knew cotton candy beverages had this affect on you-!
6. PURPLE: Feeling those first-date nerves again? The next person you spot makes you feel this way! They might not realize this is a date, but you sure are under the impression it is, and you're definitely feeling the nerves. Even hand-holding seems a little scandalous. But maybe just for a minute--
7. INDIGO: For some reason you feel inexplicably warm. And that person beside you- Well they're rather attractive, aren't they? Wow, gosh, what was in that drink you just had-? You can't seem to focus on anything but the next person you see and getting them into one of those dark corners as soon as you can!
8. CLEAR: Who knows what this does--! Also known as a wild card; choose which affect to have, combine sodas, or re-roll!
1) Post with your character!
2) Reply to other people with your character and go to the
random number generator, and generate a number between 1 and 8.
4) Correspond the number to the soda colors and the affects the drink has when you comment.
5) The first character replies; you have the choice of picking a number as well, or going with the flow!
6) Any rating goes. No wank, please!