sirenspull application;

Jan 01, 2010 01:01

Character Information

Canon Source: Kingdom Hearts
Canon Format: vidyagame
Character's Name: Zexion
Character's Age: Appears in his late teens/early twenties; actually is around ten years old but as he has all of the memories and life experience of his Somebody Ienzo, he qualifies as an adult. EDIT: he claims he's 24.

Form of NV: I’m wondering if Zexion’s NV could be built into his lexicon? It is a magical expanding book, after all, and could probably house such a thing easily. Additionally, he’d be disturbed to find the lexicon had been tampered with. It could take on the form of one of those computers with a touch screen, with a tablet pen-style accessory that he could use to write or draw diagrams with, a keyboard to input text if he didn’t want to write, and a microphone and small video camera in the unlikely advent that he ever made voice or text entries.

Character's Canon Abilities: As a Nobody Zexion has the ability to use Dark Portals, passageways through darkness which can transport him physically through space. His special skill is forming illusions, which can ensnare the unwary and the weak willed and deceive them. These illusions can be quite complex and immersive. He can also trap people within his Lexicon, and can produce illusionary clones of himself which can join him in battle and which it seems likely that he can see and speak through. He is also a brilliant scientist, most likely a prodigy, given his position as the youngest of Ansem the Wise’s six apprentices. Zexion also has a keen sense of “smell“, which allows him to detect people from a long way away and keep track of their movements, and also to determine much about their natures and the amount of darkness within their hearts. Last but not least, he can cook quite well.
Weapons: Zexion fights with a special lexicon. He can trap and ensnare people within the pages as well as using it to absorb enemy attacks. Physical combat is not his forte; he relies primarily on his magic and illusions when forced into battle, but would prefer to remain behind the scenes devising strategy. He can wail on things with his Lexicon if the situation really demands it, though.

Character History: Not much is known about the history of Zexion’s previous incarnation “Ienzo”, or even about his history within the Organization. However, his existence as “Ienzo” did form the basis for much of Zexion’s personality as it developed, and Zexion retains all of Ienzo’s memories, of achievement, friendship, learning, and emotions. It is these memories of emotion which allow Zexion to present the world with a façade of emotion; he can behave like a normal person, even though without his heart he is essentially removed from that venue of experience.

At any rate, Ienzo’s history was not extraordinarily exciting for the greater part of his life. He was born the son of two Radiant Garden retainers, who although they were kind and loyal and good and did their best to raise him the same way were not movers and shakers in the structure of the Garden. Rather, Ienzo’s parents were part of the Garden’s support staff; his father and mother worked as stewards, supporting the scientists and politicians that made the Garden the force it was. At first it seemed as though Ienzo might follow that path, although his parents would have supported him whether he chose to look within the Garden for his future or not.

Over the years it became clear that Ienzo was not simply an average little boy, however. He was intelligent and quick in his studies, at the forefront of his classes even amongst the children of people more prominently placed than his children. He was a good-tempered little boy, although never quite as outgoing as some of his peers, more prone to remaining in the library and reading everything he could get his hands on (although he haunted the kitchen as well as the library, and for some time his parents thought he might become one of Radiant Garden’s cooks. Even as his intelligence and potential became more and more obvious, Ienzo retained this fondness for cooking, although it would not become his focus). And eventually, the young man’s high levels of performance would bring him to the attention of Ansem the Wise, and win him a place amongst the man’s six apprentices.

Ienzo was the youngest of them, but he was competitive with the senior apprentices and their equal. He found he had a tactical, meticulous mind, and set forth at honing it even further; he might have been a great asset to the Garden if the research of the apprentices and Ansem into the nature of the heart had not begun to corrupt him. As the research proceeded, becoming more dangerous and darker as it went, it began to be revealed that along with his keen scientific mind Ienzo had a taste for dangerous research and few qualms with pursuing his research to its conclusion even as the dangers became clearer and the sacrifices that had to be made for it more dear.

Ultimately, Ansem tried to put a stop to their research on the nature of darkness and the heart; he pulled back before the point of no return. Ienzo, in the grips of his own curiosity, did not, and it was his encouragement that prompted the creation of the secret lab and all the research (and finally, the disaster) that would follow.

In the end, the apprentices unleashed a terrible force of darkness upon Radiant Garden, and the beautiful place that had been a harbor of learning and culture for so many years was overrun. Many people found their hearts rent from their souls and for all intents and purposes they died. Not so for Ansem’s six apprentices.

Rather, they were reborn as skewed versions of their former selves; some of their appearances changed, but more significant than that was that they appeared human but lacked hearts and thus the ability to connect and relate emotionally that they had once had. They became Nobodies - intelligent shells of their former selves, with all of the memories of their former selves but without hearts, and thus found themselves hungering for what they now lacked. This hunger was what provided the impetus for the creation of Kingdom Hearts - a reservoir of collected hearts that would allow the group of Nobodies that came to be called Organization XIII to gain hearts of their own.

Zexion (as he was now known) was a dutiful and loyal member of this Organization, teaming up often with the stoic Lexaeus and serving as a tactician for Xemnas as the Organization found other Nobodies left from the crumbling husks of worlds - worlds that the Organization destroyed, in their endless quest to collect hearts.

Of course, new members of the Organization did not share the loyalty to each other and the Organization’s ideals that the original six members had. It was nearly inevitable that problems would arise within the group - conflicts of interest and of loyalty. Axel was one such wild card that was taken for a time under the Organization’s wing, as was Saix (to an extent at least), and most notably Marluxia and Larxene.

Marluxia, although adopted by the group of Nobodies, had his own goals and his own hunger for power - a hunger that would eventually come to threaten the original leader Xemnas. Rather than move directly against the upstart neophyte, however, Marluxia was given command of his own project and home base, that being Castle Oblivion. He was sent to win over Sora to the cause of the Organization through manipulation of the keybearer’s memories, along with his associate Larxene and Axel. He also had the memory witch Namine, tasked with erasing and manipulating Sora‘s memories to bring him over to the Organization‘s side, although Marluxia actually wished to obtain complete influence and command over the young key blade master himself. Vexen, Lexaeus and Zexion, senior members of the Organization numbering four, five and six respectively, were sent along to observe the situation, aid where needed, and keep an eye on the wildcard neophytes that lived in the upper castle.

It was this assignment that would lead to Zexion’s ‘death’, as Sora proceeded through the floors of the Castle, eliminating members as he went. However, Sora would not be the one to eliminate Zexion; rather it was Riku’s entrance onto the playing field that would precipitate his destruction - not before Zexion’s fellow basement-dwellers were manipulated, however. It was only when he was the one senior remember remaining that Zexion decided to act, attempting to push Riku entirely into the darkness - only to be surprised by the other fighting him to a standstill and ultimately forcing him into a retreat.

He survived that initial battle. Greatly weakened, but he could still have made good on an escape - if Axel hadn’t happened across him, with the Riku Replica (constructed by Vexen) in tow. Axel was manipulating the Replica for his own ends, and assuring the young clone that he would gain more power, enough to assert his own existence over Riku’s, if he eliminated and absorbed Zexion, that was just what the clone did. Zexion, sorely weakened in his battle with Riku, did not have enough strength to resist, and the Replica undid him.

It is at this point that Zexion would wake up, weakened but existing, caught and saved from oblivion by the Siren’s Pull.

Point in Canon: Post-death at the hands of Riku Replica.

Character Personality:Zexion is less “evil” and more “pragmatic” to an extreme that sometimes leads him to ruthlessness - he’s more a lawful neutral than any kind of evil. He knows the advantages of people having a good opinion of him, however, and he’s an accomplished manipulator and observer of others. He usually appears calm, although he smirks, smiles, even laughs when he traps Riku inside his lexicon, and appears fearful just before he dies.

Coupled with an ability to be kind to manipulate others, however, is the ability to do whatever he must in pursuing his goals at the moment - which, in the absence of other Organization members at Siren’s Pull, will likely be to gather as much information on the environment and the residents as possible.

Most likely he will be slow to display his real face to anyone and will also conceal his nature as a Nobody; many look on Heartless beings as abominations and he isn’t looking to get hunted down or killed. He will be slow to trust characters from out of his canon (and only appears to trust a certain few within it, anyway), if he ever trusts at all, but he may try to find some mooks or muscle to manipulate, and is likely to approach more naïve characters so he can take advantage of their connections with protectors. It’s not outside the possibility that he would have several false names, or that he would disguise himself whenever he appeared in person to someone.

He won’t be particularly sadistic or cruel to these people; rather, he will want to be unremarkable and unremarked upon, left to his own devices to study and observe. He may select more interesting subjects for closer observation, however; it’s in his nature to want to know the lay of the land before he makes any moves.

Zexion is also quite intelligent and enjoys spending time in libraries; he is a collector of information, esoteric and practical both. He is independent in his style of living, and prefers to maintain a slight distance between himself and most other people. In spite of his reserved nature, he does not want to cease his existence, though. He desires a heart (of his own - he would prefer to continue existing with a heart as “Zexion“ rather than returning to being “Ienzo“; he has a sense of identity which he holds to), but he’s existed without one for around ten years and he will go on without one still.

Character Plans: Observe all sides (like a boss). He’ll probably be especially inclined to hook up with any other Organization members who arrive in Siren’s Pull, depending on their rank and inclination to loyalty (or not, as the case may be - he will probably avoid proximity to Axel, for instance). I would like to play him as pragmatic neutral; he’s ruthless and has no real qualms about human experimentation (he has no heart to feel guilt with, after all) but he understands the necessity of maintaining a good image and the power that he will hold if he has the good opinion of other characters. He is a manipulator type, after all, and he’ll want to collect those that he can manipulate. He doesn’t want to die again, thank you very much.

Appearance: Here.

Writing Samples

First Person Sample
[Text; neat handwriting, a good legible cursive.]

I suppose new residents are no cause for remark by now, but greetings to all of you regardless. My name is Ienzo; I’ve just arrived. I hope to speak with all of you eventually since it sounds like we‘re all in a similar situation. Is there anyone who would care to offer some explanations to a newcomer?

Additionally anyone who could recommend me a good second-hand store where one could obtain regular utensils and crockery would be appreciated. I seem to have found myself in need of such things but not with extraordinary means.

Third Person Sample
Emotions or no… saying that he was “glad” to exist again was the most succinct and accurate word that could be used to summarize his reaction to waking up, even with the unpleasant awakening that it was, curled up cold and sore on the floor as if he’d just pulled out of the darkness awarded by a brutal beating (which, essentially, he had, hadn’t he?)

Hands, feet, ears, fingers, toes, torso, calves and thighs, biceps and narrow wrists, his hair veiling one eye, the existence of his eyes, his mouth, nose, tongue - everything seemed surprisingly intact. He tried an illusion, conjured a peach at the cusp of ripeness, round and fuzzy and sun-warmed, fitting into his palm. Even the faint sweet scent, the ghost of warmth, was convincing. He summoned his Lexicon and it came to him, responsive as ever.

He banished the false fruit and his book, turned his hands palm down and then palm up again, watching them. The worn, supple leather of his gloves was real. He let his eyelids drooped and opened up his senses. He was alone, although he could sense people - strangers, but people, with hearts, not Nobodies, nothing of Axel or Riku or Marluxia. He was separated, then, but not completely secluded, and needed to find his footing quickly, find someplace safe to go to ground. Lexaeus was not in proximity either. Even Vexen would have served; if Zexion had arrived here, it was not unreasonable that his compatriots would as well, eventually, or that they should have been here and oriented themselves already. If they had and he was simply out of range to sense them he would have to find them. If not, there were obviously certain tasks that were his to take on - the establishment of a safe house, ascertaining the lay of the land, the people that it would be prudent to keep an eye on -

He stumbled when he forced himself to his feet. Weakness forced him to crouch with his hands braced on his knees, coughing with his eyes closed, stomach churning with a sickness that shouldn’t have been and head throbbing, and when had he last known pain like this? He’d been afraid, before he’d died - he’d woken out of slumber, some kind of oblivion, and the aftershocks hadn’t released him yet.

Pain folded him in half. He bit the inside of his cheek and forced his breaths to smooth out. There was no time for weakness; no known hostiles within range, but he could be sure of no one and nothing, had to compensate even for his own weakened self.

After a moment he recovered enough to stand straight, even as tenuous in the world as he felt.

There was no time for that. He was a tactician, a schemer, a full-grown Nobody. He was more alone than he’d been even after his first death and rebirth.

He couldn’t long for anything, but the presence of Lexaeus would have been - convenient.

At any rate. Zexion stood.

He was aware, and extant, and it was more than he’d expected. It would have to serve.

ooc, sirenspull

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