beato you're so cute <3 <3 <3 I love my new icons.
Uhh, a meme stolen from
tieyourshoess (I WAITED, SEE. VERY PATIENTLY.)
7 things you like the most...
1. breathing
2. eating... chocolate, in particular
3. friendssss ;3;
4. BRO AND SIS AND WAIFU. ;_; /explosion of rainbows and gay
5. uhh water..?
6. i love the whole world and all its craziness
7. boom de yah da boom de yah da
7 important things in your room...
1. m-my computer unit ;_;
2. uhh my.. bed
3. oh geez, my books probably
5. t-t-t-tablet? errr
6. idk watercolors + colored pencils?
7. clothes.. I wonder why I didn't think about that first
7 random facts about you...
1. I have a freckle in my eye WAAAAIT WHAT
2. HANE by dai was stuck in my head earlier...
3. I should probably be asleep errrr
4. oh speaking of freckles and spots I have a big birthmark on my foot that my parents thought was cancer
5. one of my pinkies is shorter and fatter than the other... like, noticeably
6. I don't pay attention to lyrics in songs but somehow end up learning them to sing along later on
7. I'm not even up for a good reason haha ;_;
7 things you plan to do before you die...
1. aaarghhh figure out what the hell is wrong with Koreans!! what is up with this country (not that I hate it here)
2. Guhhhhh uhhh jump around Europe I guess
3. live in sis's closet
4. live w/ my group of friends ;_;
5. try out the Uberman sleep schedule a few times I guess?? idk
6. accomplish my dreams whatever they may be?
7. finally get out of this rut of doing memes
7 things you say the most...
1. LOL
2. what (for added effect, stick one and two together)
3. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah/hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah/uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
4. sob/;_;/both
5. AHAHAHAHAHAHA (also sometimes stuck together with two)
6. yeahhh/yay
7. ummm/uhhh/errrr/argh/oh geez (this one makes me sound retarded)
7 favorite drinks...
1. w-water..?
2. uhh oh geez I guess shikhye ;_;..
4. idk ambasa or something like milkis aahhhh
5. I can't think of these things rrrgh
6. something
7. something else
-Personal Info
~Name: uhh 김지민/Jamie Kim
~nicknames: some people still call me Peep but a lot of people call me Robin though most of the rpers call me Feli or Italy or something
~Height: like... 154 cm or something, roughly 5 foot 2 anyway
~Birthday: May 27 yaaay
~Birthplace: Busan, South Korea
~Current Location: middle of nowhere, South Korea
~Zodiac Sign: uhhh gemini!
~Chinese Zodiac Sign: Golden pig yeahhhh ;3;
~Righty or Lefty: Righty, hereeee
~Haircolor: dark daaark brown
~Eyecolor: god I don't even know, one time a doctor flashed a light straight into my eyes and still couldn't see my pupils
-About You
~What's Your Family Situation: at least use a question mark properly, dude.. also that's a bit tmi
~Any Pets: none? unless you count my brother.
~Favorite Relative: I can't say I favor any
~Least Favorite Relative: That being said I can't say I dislike any either
~Political Affiliation: idk, I don't mind as long as progress in the right direction is made (goddamn Myeong-bak)
-Your Friends
~Best: D-depends on where...?!
~How Many Do You Have?: oh geez I hope a lot...!! If not at least a few reallyyyy close ones
~Love Them All?: DUH *duh gesturing*
~Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: New LJ friends ;3; b-b-but I'm shy and awkward and don't know what to say err
~Oldest?: I think I have some guy from back when I was nine on my friendslist?
~Newest?: Geez I can't even tell
~Pen Pal?: Non
-This Or That
~Shorts or Pants?: considering the season? pants, please.
~Shoes or Barefeet?: see above, and shoes.
~Books or Movies?: Depends I guess?
~Night or Day?: Day. Goddamn nighttime makes me feel like something's gonna pop out in my face ;_;
~Mountains or Beach?: over here all you see is MOUNTAINS MOUNTAINS MOUNTAINS BEACHES BEACHES BEACHES OCEAN OCEAN OCEAN why can't I have some graceful plains for once
~Snow or Sun?: Sun pleaseeeee
~Pepsi or Coke?: idrc
-For Or Against
~Gay Marriage?: for plz
~Abortion?: I'm pro-choice.
~War?: nah
~Pants?: sure?
~Clothes In General?: depends on the person
~Color: erghhhh well, this question had to come up sooner or later... I think my mind just gave up and went 'fuck it you like every color on the spectrum'
~Number?: i kinda like ∞
~Holiday?: can't really say...! Probably Korean new years..
~Season?: Autumn plz
~Movies?: Uhhhh Wall-E or something idk I like Pixar.
~Book?: Flowers for Algernon, Fahrenheit 451, Milkweed (it's by Jerry Spinelli jsyk)
~Magazine?: I don't read mags ;_;
~Food?: god.. chocolate?
~Drink?: didn't you ask this earlier
~TV Show?: MYTHBUSTERS YEAHHHH but I do like dolloping in sitcoms
~Song?: gosh I can't even say, I really like Define Dancing by Thomas Newman though
~Band?: errrr Relient K or dai
~Video Game?: I DON'T GAME MUCH BUT UHH i really like twewy...
~Anime/Manga?: gosh right now? Umineko and Hetalia have me torn in two + I'm into Kimi ni Todoke and Neuro and Gintama and stuff
~Actor?: I don't pay attention to these kinds of things
~Actress?: above
~Animal?: I LOVE ALL OF THEM ;___;
-More Stuff About You
~Piercing?: None! I had two on my ears in the past but .. that's a bit of a horror story...
~Smoke?: secondhandedly
~Drink?: uhh I drink when I'm offered sometimes. beer doesn't taste that bad but it's not like I'll try it again
~Do Drugs?: noooope
~Asthma?: nope
~Allergies?: not as far as I know?
~Greatest Fear?: I have things that creep me out but I'm not entirely sure about 'fears'
~Go To Church?: Nope
~Religion?: Lacking in one.
~Scars?: One on my foot from when I tripped on the ferry to the Statue of Liberty hahahaharhgh
~Been On Stage?: Yeah a bunch of times
~Weirdest Dream?: IT'S TOO LONG TO SAY HERE but it was like a TOONTOWN-ESQUE CITY
~Like Thunderstorms?: o-only sometimes
~Favorite Quote?: "Kill your ego"
~Favorite Song Lyric?: hahah argh I know I had one that I really loved but I can't say anymore
~Glad This Is Over?: yesss it wasted like thirty minutes of my time and I am now tired
school tomorrow arrrgh