We are the Broken ones

Jul 16, 2009 12:51


Innocence; Each Doll's Innocence is hidden in a different part of their body-- some might not even be part of their body, instead stored in an external location to ensure survival of the Innocence in case the doll is destroyed. If a Doll is destroyed or injured, they may be recreated or repaired using the Innocence, but it takes time. There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods. Innocence that is located internally provides instant on-site repairs, but is more susceptible to being destroyed. Externally located Innocence ensures survivability, but does not offer on-site repairing unless it is brought with the Doll.

Found; The location where the Doll was found, by whom, and how/why.

Demeanor; All of the Dolls are roughly the same age, well into their mid-300s. Because they are dolls, however, they retain an almost child-like persona. They do not have much of a mind, no need for bodily functions or human companionship-- they have, however, shown a sense of calmness whenever they are in the presence of another Doll or Innocence.

Recognitions; All of the Dolls recognize the uniform of The Black Order, both Exorcist and Finders, as well as the lab coats of the Science Division. They are quite "friendly" with most of these people. The Dolls also recognize the stigmata of the Noah Clan as well as the presence of an Akuma. They may or may not attack these characters upon sight. In order from "most like → least like".

Dolls are listed in the order they were found, the earliest being Kanda, 6 years before DGM!canon time.

"Komui Li" refers to Komui as well as much of the Science Division, The Black Order, and the Order's branches, unless otherwise specified.

☯ Yuu Kanda; ilmiomarionetta
∞ Innocence; External. Located in the lotus hourglass. Also wields Mugen, an weapon-type Innocence. Mugen's energy source is drawn from the lotus hourglass through the seal on his chest.
∞ Found; dug up during an excavation ordered by Bak Chan and Renee Epstein in North America, thinking a piece of Innocence was buried in the ground.
∞ Demeanor; calm, quiet, least expressive of the Dolls. Exhibits emotions such as anger and contempt. Often stoic and scowl-y. More talkative around the Dolls (and in Dressing Room cases, those who look like the Dolls-- most of the time).
∞ Recognitions; The Dolls (Lala, Daisya, Linali, Allen, Timothy, Lavi), Hevlaska, Bak Chan, Komui Li, Renee Epstein, Rou Fa, Fou, Rikei, most everyone else, Malcom C. Leverrier, The Noah Clan, The Millennium Earl.

☯ Linali Li; cortesebambola
∞ Innocence; Internal. Located in left and right ankles. Also wields the Dark Boots, a weapon-type Innocence. Dark Boot's energy source is drawn out from the cross marks on her ankles where her internal Innocence is located.
∞ Found; two months after Kanda, floating down a river in China. Pulled out by Komui Li during a visit to Asia Branch to see Yuu Kanda.
∞ Demeanor; friendly, quite human-like. Exhibits emotions such as fear, anger, sadness, happiness, and politeness. Often wears a "polite" smile.
∞ Recognitions; The Dolls (Lala, Allen, Lavi, Kanda, Daisya, Timothy), Hevlaska, Komui, Rou Fa, Fou, Rikei, most everyone else, Malcom C. Leverrier, The Noah Clan, The Millennium Earl.

☯ Allen Walker; coronarebambola
*Brown hair, brown eyes
∞ Innocence; Internal. Located in left eye. Also wields Crown Clown, a parasitic Innocence implanted into his left arm. Crown Clown's energy source comes from the Innocence located in his left eye.
∞ Found; brought to The Black Order 6 months after Linali. Thawed out in England after being stuck in a block of ice for nearly a century, picked up by Mana, and taken to The Black Order a year later by Cross Marian after Mana passed away.
∞ Demeanor; possibly the most human-like of the Dolls. Exhibits emotions such as empathy, sympathy, politeness, happiness, sadness, and anger. Often wears a "cheerful" smile. Can also be quite the brat around people such as Cross Marian and Yuu Kanda.
∞ Recognitions; The Dolls (Lala, Kanda, Linali, Lavi, Timothy, Daisya), Mana Walker, Hevlaska, Komui Li, Rou Fa, Fou, Rikei, Cross Marian, most everyone else, Malcom C. Leverrier, The Noah Clan, The Millennium Earl.

☯ Lavi Junior; flamepuppet
∞ Innocence; Internal. Located in his right eye, causes it to stand out, so it's covered most of the time. Also wields Iron Hammer, a weapon-type Innocence. Iron Hammer's energy source is drawn from the Innocence in Lavi's eye.
∞ Found; brought to The Black Order 3 months after Allen. Found by Bookman during a recording, junkyard in Russia. The elder reported to The Black Order, who sent a team to get started on the repairing process. After repairs, he traveled with Bookman for a year, developing a near perfect memory, before returning to The Black order to join the other Dolls.
∞ Demeanor; inquisitive, eager to learn. Somewhat human, able to understand human emotions but unwilling, or unable, to express his own. Exhibits emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, curiosity, and sympathy. Also quite the enigma at times, seeming to have more of a mind than any other Doll.
∞ Recognitions; The Dolls (Lala, Linali, Allen, Timothy, Daisya, Kanda), Hevlaska, Bookman, Komui, most everyone else, Malcom C. Leverrier, The Noah Clan, The Millennium Earl.

☯ Daisya Barry;
∞ Innocence; External. Located in a soccer ball that he doesn't use. Also wields Charity Bell, a weapon-type Innocence attached to the end of a cowl. Charity Bell's energy source is drawn from a seal on his forehead, which is usually wrapped up in bandages. Part of the seal extends past his eyes and down his cheeks.
∞ Found; 5 months after Lavi in Bodrum, Turkey, by General Froi Tiedoll. Located by Hevlaska, retrieval accompanied by Yuu Kanda and Linali Li.
∞ Demeanor; quite cheerful for a Doll, even more so than Allen. Exhibits emotions such as happiness, joy, sadness, anger, and fear. Can often be seen with a grin or a smile, something one wouldn't really expect from a Doll.
∞ Recognitions; The Dolls (Lala, Kanda, Linali, Allen, Lavi, Timothy), Hevlaska, Tiedoll, Komui Li, most everyone else, Malcom C. Leverrier, The Noah Clan, The Millennium Earl.

☯ Timothy Hearst; poupeedennui
∞ Innocence; External. Located inside a large gem. Also wields Tsukikami, a parasitic Innocence implanted into his forehead, often covered by a bandanna. Tsukikami's energy source is drawn from a seal around the implanted Innocence.
∞ Found; 13 months after Daisya, by the owner of an orphanage in France. Finders reported it to The Black Order. The Exorcist Marie as well as the Dolls Yuu Kanda and Allen Walker were sent to pick up the Doll. A broker tried to sell the Innocence Doll to the Earl but was killed by one of the Akuma sent to collect the Innocence. The Akuma are destroyed, Timothy is recovered, Kanda and Allen spend the next two weeks being repaired.
∞ Demeanor; troublemaker. One of the few dolls to still be functioning at time of recovery. He enjoys playing pranks on others and often possesses people to make them do things like steal cookies or paint the ceiling obnoxious colors (because he's short and the ladder doesn't help). Exhibits emotions such as happiness, sadness, regret, loneliness, anger, fear, and guilt. Often tries to put up a childish tough front.
∞ Recognitions; The Dolls (Lala, Allen, Linali, Daisya, Lavi, Kanda), Mother Superior, Hevlaska, Komui Li, most everyone else, Malcom C. Leverrier, brokers, The Noah Clan, The Millennium Earl.

☯ Lala;
∞ Innocence; Internal. Located in a cavity in her chest area. Also wields an unnamed parasitic Innocence implanted into her voice box.
∞ Found; one month before start of DGM!canon, city ruins of Martel, Italy. The last of the Dolls (so far) to be found. Tracked down by the rest of the Dolls and taken out of the ruins. She is currently still being repaired and tested.
∞ Demeanor; Loves to sing. Lala still keeps to her past self, singing and dancing for people and the other Dolls, instead of fighting Akuma.
∞ Recognitions; The Dolls (she likes all of them equally, really), Hevlaska, Komui Li, most everybody else, Malcom C. Leverrier, The Noah Clan, The Millennium Earl.

☯ Alma Karma;
∞ Innocence; External, suspended in his own lotus glass. Energy is drawn from a seal on his abdomen.
∞ Found; none; the Order tried to create their own Doll, and Alma is the result. He is still in development, being kept locked up even after Lala is let out to be used.
∞ Demeanor; A child all the way, he doesn't like being confined in the testing rooms and often tries to get out. Has met the other Dolls, but isn't too close with any of them save Kanda, who was the one examined in order to create Alma.
∞ Recognitions; The Dolls (Lala, Kanda, Timothy, Daisya, Allen, Lavi), Hevlaska, Malcom C. Leverrier, The Millennium Earl, The Noah Clan.

☯ Name;
Innocence; Location of Innocence.
Found; location found.
Demeanor; personality
Recognitions; The Dolls (order of Dolls), Hevlaska, Malcom C. Leverrier, The Millennium Earl, The Noah Clan.

!info, ?dolls

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