So it turns out that my center will be getting closed in march. Plenty of time to look for a new job. Wachovia sounds nice, they're offering more money, so I'm down
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that's the amount of time i've spent away from livejournal. figured i wouldn't bore anyone with the stuff i've been doing, although i have been quite busy lately. i've actually been writing a lot elsewhere.
if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands! ::clap clap::
i learned a little something from jerry seinfeld that i feel has a bit of significance to my artistic process. he writes new jokes everyday, kind of like constant work. he marks everyday he writes onto a calendar. and focuses on not breaking the chain he creates by writing everyday. his only worry is to not break the chain. so i've taken this to
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today is officially "dump the pump" day, designed by the brilliant heads in our local government to show us the wonders of what miami's "public transit system" has in store for us all
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