at stacey's

Aug 10, 2004 18:29

survey from aceofstacey

NOSE-->min cdyh
ELBOW--> minmdyu
TONGUE--> mindy
CHIN--> m ,in dfyh
FEET--> mindy
BACK OF YOUR HAND--> join dcuy
PALM--> jkindy
MOUTH--> mindy
WRIST--> mikndy

survey from sxeminority
Number of people you've kissed: 7
French kissing is: fucking awesome
The worst kind of kiss is: no feelings one
The best kisser you know: seth

The worst kisser you know: never had a bad 1
The celebrity you'd like to kiss: no thanks u
Friend you would like to kiss: already have
Favorite movie kiss: when the actors act like they're in lvoe and the guy touches her face/cheek
Do you kiss on the first date? i would
Eyes open or closed? Closed
Average number of kisses you get a day: if i see my b/f...a lot..if not...none at all

Ever kissed a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend? nope
The last person you kissed: Seth
Best placed to be kissed: Neck and ur shoulder blade
Have you kissed someone of the same sex? On the cheek
What about the opposite sex? duh
Do you consider kissing cheating? Yes
The longest you've gone without a kiss: 5 months maybe?
The kiss you regret most is: kam....what a waste! lol jk...

Kissing in public is: alright as long as u don't go at it...then it's just nasty
Tongue rings are: aight i guess...w/e floats ur boat
Two girls kissing is:w/e makes u happy
Two guys kissing is: w/e makes u happy

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