Fun night

Jul 06, 2004 00:40

Sunday the fourth of July was interesting...

Me and Tiff hang out every 4th of July so we decided to go to Hampton. After begging Tiff's mom she finally decided to do it so we were all happy. We brought beach stuff and stuff. The traffic was crazy! but we should have expected that on july 4th. when we got there we didn't know where to meet my mom so we were like greatt. guess what happens? my cell dies! so, we're like "whatever, we'll worry about that later" so we go to the beach and swim and try to tan.. when we're done we decide we want food so we walk around and look for food. we end up getting fries (they were SO good) and now we're kinda screwed cause.. hampton is a huge place and my cell is dead.. and we're cold and wet.. cause we only had shorts on and towels (we had tops on too) it was freezing though.. so yeah, we're walking around and we have no idea what the hell to do. we end up asking 20 diff. guys to use their cells and my mom doesnt pick up.

we finally reach her at a pay phone and shes pissed off and still in traffic in SEABROOK.. so yeah.. she only knew of one hotel the "ASHWORTH" so we had to meet her there.. we ended up seeing some 21 dude and talked to him after using his cell and his daughter's name was Aryanna! i was like whoaa. soo we end up walking around for like 5 hours and my moms still not there so we're sitting down and some 24 yr old comes up to Tiff and starts rambling about how beautiful her eyes are and how he thinks he's in love with her and he kept hugging her and what not. i was about to go insane b/c everywhere we walked THERE he was, RIGHT around the Corner! Stalkerish and Freaky, I know!

We were scared.
Me & Tiff finally decided to keep walking around cause the cars didn't friggen move. So, we walk and walk and walk. FINALLY, in one of the corner of cars, I see a white van. I'm like "pray its her pray its her" and it WAS! we were never happier to be in that car. we were SAAVVED! soo.. my mom didnt freak out as bad as I thought she would which was good, but she had been in traffic for 5 hours and missed her job.. So i felt bad. Later, my mom went in the left lane cause it was going faster and the right lane was still stuck there. Well, before we were free the last phrase we heard was a guy saying "Straight ahead. No traffic!" we all screamed in joy! thats when my mom STEPPED ON IT! haha, it was funny. we were all so relieved. let me tell you that traffic is a pain in the ass

Haha, well wayy more things happened but it's too much to type so i'll leave you with that.

Today I chilled w/ Sti.
We did stuff.

So far summers going good.
I mean, anthing big hasn't happened but it's been fun
I still want to go to Maine, or Florida

~The End~
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