Marissa: Zeynep this is a song for u
Zeynep ur name is kewl (hold that note)
it starts with a Z which is funny cause that is the last letter of the ABC's (hold the note)
YEAH (and jazz hands or sprit fingers which ever u preffer)
Yesterday I got 13 hours of sleep, yes 13 hours. Don't ask how or why, I have been falling asleep in my classes lately but somehow am still in the range of 85-95. I havn't been doing all that well in Math though, eh that's nothing new. I would do good if those assholes in my class would keep their mouths shut. Dave thats why you are obese, your mouth is NEVER SHUT...Anyway, I am still wearing the orange band from Friday. No idea why, I guess I am too lazy to actually rip it off.
Today in school, was weird. So weird, I imagined things that were not there, and could not have been, because who has donkey ears? I was shaking uncontrollably today in lunch, pretty weird. I didn't feel good all day. I screamed out cuss words after school just to vent. Than laid on the sidewalks, and felt comfortable. I wanted to stay there on the cold ground forever for some reason, it felt so nice against my sweating body. I could have fallen asleep there.
I stayed after for no reason. Just sketched a little, and than found Teddy and Nick, so we ventured to find Sean. We found him, he was doing a lab in his classroom so we sat outside his there until he was done, I almost feel asleep. Nothing else really happened. Later I saw Shauna "getting her groove on" after school at Dance Company. Paula bought me some cookies with Laurens money (Whoohoo, I will pay you back.) Than I went on the late bus to go home, and figured I didn't really want to go home yet, So I had the bus driver drop me off and I walked back to the highschool.
I stayed another hour at the school, for no reason, just sketching some pictures and came up some really cool drawings, if I had a scanner I would scan them, sorry I don't though. In one picture everything in the foreground falls into a black hole in the backround. I sketched a lot of random things today. While doing so, I had a lot of time to think and realized, I need to get over it. I need to get over all the shit that happened in the past, the past is the past, as much as I would like to change it I can't. So I need to just accept what happens in the past and deal with the present.
Later on I called my sister and had her pick me up, but since she was an hour late, that means i stayed at the school for another hour. When she finally came, she brought me home,I took a ate, took a nap, went on the computer...and ate some more.
P.S afterschool there was a pretty pointless fight, but it was entertaining.