i write in here 2 much..ahh!

Feb 08, 2005 21:24

If you read this, even if i don't speak to you often, you must post a memory of me.

It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad, just so long as it happened.

Then post this to your journal. See what people remember about you....

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Comments 6

fallen_for_you February 9 2005, 03:53:19 UTC
HELLLO can you say BLOCKBUSTER PARTY?! soo amazing.


ilovecolleen February 9 2005, 22:22:50 UTC
hahaha that was the best!


xocolleenxo February 9 2005, 04:43:15 UTC
hehe u kno em!...but most of all ft. myers =p


ilovecolleen February 9 2005, 22:24:14 UTC
theres no way i could 4get..i loved ft myers =]


lyddlexmeliss February 9 2005, 13:38:42 UTC
basically our greatest memories are mostly on the bs =D haha great times i love you sooo much kiddo! bff


ilovecolleen February 9 2005, 22:24:57 UTC
yeah..but i still loved em! lu2! ttyl =P


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