I went to town for a haircut today and had time to waste before the appointment. There was a market on so I browsed for a bit, then I saw
That Dante was quite cranky looking, wasn't he?
Dante's Divine Comedy. You know, the one with the several circles of hell. From 1921. Awesome :D
The conversation that led to me buying it went something like this:
Me: *takes book very carefully and strokes it* 'Scuse me, how much would this cost? (Expecting 30 francs or something. Which I would have paid.)
Bookseller: Erm... say four francs?
Me: *quite loudly* FOUR??
Bookseller: ...what, is that too much?
I think he thought I was a bit weird. Actually, I am. Who else goes around stroking books? But anyway. I'm slowly building up a little collection of old books :D