" i am officially broken and unofficially an asshole "

Jun 03, 2005 09:09

i am loved, i am hated ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

anonymous June 3 2005, 18:15:02 UTC
i love you laura!
you are NOT useless, because you are my ska kid and i love you and we need to talk more.
hitting your head on lockers hurts, i am one to know.
but i have never fallen asleep during a soc final. maybe that's because i've only had one. ever. i don't know.
jon hasn't called me back. i called him at 4. he is at his friends house...
my life is boring. it's so routine. i do the same exact thing every day.
and i completley agree with the last two sentances.


anonymous June 3 2005, 18:38:56 UTC
ps- i don't know what happened, but i've come to the conclusion that alex is an asshole.


___rupture June 3 2005, 20:30:03 UTC

i know how you feel.
& i hate getting hit with a locker!


KEANU IS FOR LOVERS AND YOUR MOM bnewbaby3 August 13 2005, 13:30:58 UTC


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