
Aug 31, 2005 13:18

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Comments 11

randomint April 25 2005, 19:00:51 UTC
what the fuck...i totally used to live next to you!


ilovejamesm April 25 2005, 19:55:57 UTC
wow. Hannah. haven't heard from you in a while.how goes it?


randomint April 27 2005, 08:18:14 UTC
it goes well, my red headed friend. are you still living on loma prieta?


ilovejamesm April 27 2005, 18:14:35 UTC
yup.in the same house.haha.where are you now anywho?


redrosid23 May 13 2005, 21:38:15 UTC
I think either you never update your journal or i need to be your friend to read it. If so then may I please be your friend Alibear?

~your knight in black eyeliner


x_kellum_x June 21 2005, 13:39:52 UTC
I saw you in a diffrent community and I thought that you were extremly pretty so go join

... )


jazzlvr16 June 26 2005, 17:32:14 UTC
Add me? When you were here and tried, it did end up in me friend-ing myself. Try again?


by_just_fine23 August 9 2005, 21:54:16 UTC
hey its Teddy. I got a new LJ so please add me again.


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