you know what sahalee for being such a hard course i am REALLY proud of my score today, i had my game face on for once in my life, and it felt kinda good for a change
( Read more... ) feeling kinda depressed i know why yet i have no motivation to change it its alright kinda no its not i can feel it in my stomach ..unless thats the blizzard probably the blizzard i dunno ...sad part is i dont even really WANT to talk about it i should its pointless
somthing that was talked about today that scince 6th period had been kind of burned in my thoughts... how much i censor myself. I still manage to say stupid ass shit but its when self censorship becomes too much of a habit that you loose....self i guess
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...i love easter its kinda like you expect it to suck but it always turns out being AWESOME
minus maybe church gah so BORING ...i actually prayed for my family today rather than the usual world peace, friends, long life, financial security church is kinda lame but i guess its good for somthing thinking thoughts that need to be thunk now and
playing frisbee out in the sunshine coming home smelling like grass sitting back and snacking life at western might not be so bad.... life after western is what im concerned about