I know how to sew, however I don't really .....uh...make stuff too well.
So I'm kinda stuck on my Turkey Shoes!
Anyone that knows anything about shoes, props, ect I love you for the rest of my life for a bit of help
Better explanation of random stuff and pics of different things under cut.
Ok shoes! so my idea was to get shoes that are all like...'I will make you taller!' then make boot covers and then craft a turkey shoe on the boot covers.
Like one of those cool pointy Arab shoes, or Dio shoes.
So I didn't have to end up buying shoes, becasue my uncle is apprently more FABOULOUS than I
They also sparkle in my mind.
So I made black boot covers, and my original idea was to use foam, and I know how i would do part of it, but I can;t for the life of me figure out how to make it like a slipper....
So then I made a similar thing with fabric, and again completely lost.
Ok here are my 3.......material things
1. Foam.
( Some of the paint is wet in the pic and i took the little bumps off)
I have two full sheets that are larger than 11X17
2. Fabric
I have juuuust enough to make a slipper on both shoes
3. Fabric that matches the sleeve thingys on my coat.
I don;t have much of this, but If i franken stien it I would work.
:hugs coat:
:begs on ground for help: I will give you Turkish Delights