-- Full Name: Shannon
-- Nicknames: shanie
-- Birthdate: September 13th
-- Birthplace: San Diego
-- Eye Color: Blue/green... not sure.
-- Hair Color: blonde
-- Zodiac Sign: Virgo (all makes sense now right?)
-- Innie or Outtie: innie.
-- Your heritage: White, white, Oh and uh some more white.
-- The shoes you wore today: Brown Vans
-- Your eyes: Mmm... eye-like?
-- Your weakness: Laffy Taffy and Monster.
-- Your fears: Rollar Coaster
-- Your style: Mmm.. comfy?
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
-- Your most overused phrase online: Haha
-- Your thoughts first waking up: I HATE SCHOOL!
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Eyes.
-- Your best physical feature: My left foot.
-- Your bedtime: 11:00
-- Your greatest accomplishment: Getting my License
-- Your most missed memory: Disneyland.
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
-- Pepsi or coke: Coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Jack in the box.
-- Single or group dates: Single
-- Adidas or Nike: Vans (pointy shoes are ugly)
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
-- Bras or Panties: Why do I have to pick either or? Fine fine, bra.
-----------------DO YOU------------------
-- Cuss: not really.
-- Take a shower everyday: Yes I do.
-- Have a crush?: Yuuup
-- Do you think you've been in love?: This is weird.
-- Want to go to college: yes.
-- Want to get married: Not right now, but someday yes.
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Yes yes
-- Get motion sickness: On boats.
-- Think you're attractive: uhhhhhhhhh
-- Get along with your parents: Well as of late no, but before I used to.
-- Like thunderstorms: I like thunder but not scary wind!
-- Play an instrument: Hermonica
------------IN THE PAST MONTH HAVE YOU--------------
-- Smoked: I dont smoke
-- Done a drug: I dont drug up.
-- Gone to the mall: I think so...
-- Eaten sushi: Yes, with my lovely Yazra.
-- Been on stage: Nope
-- Gone skating: Nope
-- Made homemade: Nope
-- Been in love: I don't like these type of questions.
-- dyed your hair: I'm not allowed to dye my hair.
-- Stolen anything: I don't steal.
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
-- Flown on a plane: yes
-- Missed school because it was raining?: no.
-- Cried during a movie?: All of the time.
-- Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Yes, the guy from Anistasia
-- Had an imaginary friend: when i was little i did
-- Been on stage?:yes
-- Cut your hair: Haha, yah... Oh gosh that was not good.
-- Had crush on a teacher?: Ew. No.
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: hahaha yea
-- Gotten beaten up: by my brother.
-- Been in a fight: yes.
-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
-- Age you hope to be married: Uhh.. I don't like putting time frames on thing.
-- Numbers and Names of Children: Ahh.. Don't think about this type of stuff..!!!
-- How do you want to die?: OMG.. I hate this. In my sleep I guess.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up? Lawyer.
-- what country would you most like to visit?: Greece
-----------------OPPOSITE (or same) SEX------------------
-- Best eye/hair color: Brown
-- Best height: shorter.. HAH jk. Taller.
-- Best weight: Doesnt matter.
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: Z E R O
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 5 (thats A LOT.. holy cow.)
-- Number of CDs that I own: beats me!
-- Number of piercings: 2
-- Number of tattoos: 0
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: I dunno if it even has. Soooo.. 0
-- Number of scars on my body: 3... that i can think of.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Eh. I don't regret things anymore. I don't like them... But I definitely don't dwell on it either.
-- Shampoo: Physic
-- Color: Lime green... Hot pink can sometimes share the spotlight. Sometimes.
-- Day/Night: night.
-- Summer/Winter: winter
-- Fave Food: Rolled Tacos.
-- Fave Movies: Napoleon Dynamite, Lizzie Mcguire movie.
----------------RIGHT NOW--------------
-- Wearing: Jeans, Scarf, Kai's shirt.
-- Drinking: Coke. Mmm.
-- Thinking about: ... kai. heh. But only cause the what are you wearing question!
-- Listening to: The humming of the computer. I wonder why I can't hear the Gospal chior!!! Ohh cause its not eleven yet... Oh okay.
-- Person you talked to on the phone: Kai.
-- Thing you ate: Spaghetti
-- Song you sang: That one Mario song.. "you should let me love you. let me be the..." yah you get the point.
-- Person you gave the finger to: OMG I TOTALLY gave someone the finger the other day! This rude bitch in the parking lot who got MAD at ME for using my California State law RIGHT to use the right of way. So I gave her the finger... True story.
-- Person you kissed: Kai
-- Person who made you laugh: My mom
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------
-- Yourself: Sometimes.
-- Your friends: Some
-- Santa Claus: ehhh... sure.
-- Angels: i dont know
-- Ghosts: Omg i totally had a dream about ghosts last night. It was SUPER not nice.
-- UFO's: NO!
-- God: Not really...
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
-- Do you ever wish you had another name? I used to when ppl would botch it up. But now were out of that whole "cant pronouce certain letters" stage. So it's sal good.
-- Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Sure dooo
-- Do you like anyone? mmHmm
-- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Mmmm Yazra? We both Laugh at practically anything annnnd we think a like. Most times.
-- Are you close to any family member?: no
-- Who do you like to hang around the most? I like hanging out with everyone!