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Oct 11, 2011 23:15

[The PORTAL turns on to a small, surprised yelp as Akito falls unexpectedly to the ground. He's unhurt (jeans are good for preventing scraped knees), and simply pauses for a moment to catch his breath before getting to his feet again.

Only to be purposefully shoved down this time rather than subtly tripped.]

Get out of the way!

[This confuses him for a moment, as he wasn't in the way of anyone as far as he was aware, and is tiny enough that it wouldn't pose a problem even if he had been. He's shoved again before he can speak, but manages to keep his balance this time without issue.]

I said move, you dumb bitch! [He's pushed one more time and, stumbling, tries to figure out what this person's problem is.] Nobody wants you here!

Ah... That's good - I don't want to be here, either. [Akito sounds amicable enough.] If you shove me one more time though, I'm going to break your nose.

[If he runs, he'll likely be chased down. If he gets angry it will just make things worse. He keeps Agito firmly shut away out of fear for what he might do, and the punishment they would get for it. As much as he likes to pretend he isn't, Akito is a highly-trained soldier as well... He can handle a bully. Definitely.]

Yeah? [There is a disbelieving laugh, which Akito can't blame the boy for. He barely reaches his elbows, let alone his nose.] And how are you gonna do--

[He's prepared for the shove that comes, and cuts off the teen's words by grabbing his arm, then pulling it down so he can shove his palm up quick; hard enough to shatter cartilage. There's a scream of pain from the boy, and a startled squeak from Akito who is quick to pick up his things and run away.

He can't help but giggle somewhat (slightly disjointed; he hasn't had to fight for himself in years, and it's an unsettling feeling) at the muffled, angry shouts that follow him as he goes.]

*wanijima akito/agito: air gear, zachary finch (oc): greek mythology

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