Lately I've been subjected to a heapin' helpin' of dumb concerning Iran. Now, I don't expect everyone to have my expertise on the subject (I read a whopping THREE books about modern Iran), but holy peanuts people have been spouting some grade A gibberish. People are talking about Iran like we have never ever ever never ever done anything nasty to
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Comments 7
The shit? People are actually saying they hate our culture?! Talk to anyone who's ever worked in the Arab/Farsi world -- I know I'm preaching to the choir here -- and they'll tell you that's BULLSHIT, especially in Iran. They hate our foreign policy. They can't get enough of our freakin' culture. They'll preach a firestorm against the Great Satan... while they've got a halal Big Mac in one hand, a pair of tickets to a Pixar flick in the other, and a Jordache logo across their ass. If you need backup, I can getcha quotes from pro journalists to that effect...
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