I'm so sick of hearing about Michael Moore all the fucking time...I hate seeing his fat face all over my TV. Everyone is kissing his ass too. He can take his left-wing propaganda and shove it.
Why so blessed a creature bothers to surrender his energy to such unimportant fuss, carelessly tossing about a dangerous breed of passion written in his blood, well, why is painful, but the "What Now?" doesn't escape me. Fight the urge to misuse your passion, Little One. Ask for elucidation if you've become too clouded to keep to your path.
: ) eh...I don't think Te is a communist, but she is aware of Marty's penchant for over-reacting and being upset about things that really don't matter. I also believe that Moore is a liar, and I wish that his film had not won the accolades that it has (It was mainly in France, so what can you expect?), but, hopefully, it will make people think. ...and part of Te's charm (and part of the reason why Marty has been so enamored with her) is her enigmatic use of language. If you're worried about someone insulting him, he can take care of himself, and his deep-seated affection for her would probably over-ride any insult that you might perceive. : )
The first words you spoken (or typed, rather) to me in a long time, and they are filled more flattery than you know. (Which I do appreciate, of course, though I doubt it was intentional).
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