Title: Secret B2ST [1a/?]
iluv_wonjaemin Pairing: Junseung, minor!2Jun, minor!Dooseob, mention!Junra
Genre: fail!humor, slight angst
Rating: PG-13
Summary: B2ST version of popular Korean drama, Secret Garden
A/N: Thanks to
deandeelion for BETA-ing, good job dear! :D
JunRa isn’t a big deal. I can just make Junseung bloomed here )
Comments 2
“WHAT.THE.HELL!!! YANG YOSEOB, LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE! YOU MUST BRING THEM BACK TO LIFE AGAIN!!” Jun’s high pitch voice that was like an ambulance sirens, it rang louder than Yoseob’s and was about to destroy all the objects in the apartment.
Jun and Seobie turned their heads to the source of the voice. It was Doo leader!! He’s awake already!! It’s because of the Power of The Ambulance Sirens-like Voice! Oh, good God blessed Jun and his extraordinary special larynx!
but im still dont get it, i watch "secret gaden" n all the parodies about bu this fic is so rare. i mean why all sudden they changed body, just by looking each other? O.o u have to be more specific,anyways im still read the other part,let see...
it's only chapter 1,the truth will be revealed in the next chaps~
i'll strengthen seung's feeling here :)
thanks for reading :)
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