Title : Secret B2ST (6/?)
Author :
iluv_wonjaeminPairing : Junseung, minor!2Jun, minor!Kiwoon, minor!Dooseob, minor!Kiseung, mention!Junra
Genre : fail!Humor, little bit angsty
Rating : PG-13
Summary : Junhyung was in dillema. Did he really fall for Doojoon?? Then what about Hyunseung??
A/N : Omo! I haven't update for years! >.< I'm really sorry *bows*
These words kept repeating in his mind, ‘Could it be….I like Doojoonnie now??’
Junhyung’s face looked so confused; he kept frowning and muttering random words which Doo or Seung couldn’t catch. By looking at this situation, Seung could feel his heart pounding with fear. Fear of losing Jun’s love of course.
A damn 3 minutes later, Junhyung spoke. And these 3 minutes were enough to bring Seung to explore hell.
“W-what…what do you mean, hyung?” His stuttering words were indeed audible.
“Aigoo, you spent a long time just to say this?” Doo rolled his eyes, as if saying ‘Come on man, are you kidding me? I’ve been waiting for you and this is your answer?’
Seung was still in silence. He continue biting his lips and playing his fingers in restlessness. But then, he was taken aback by Jun’s sudden outburst.
“YAH! YOU, YOON DOOJOON!! WHY DO YOU KEEP ASKING ME THESE NONSENSE QUESTIONS? It’s none of your business! So, just get the f*ck off!” with that, he left; still muttering incoherent words till he was out of sight.
“Aish, that jerk! He kept avoiding things when he got no better answer, ckckck,” Doo spoke for himself while shaking his head; seeing the childish guy disappeared.
He almost forgot about the blank-faced guy who was still standing, unmoving, behind him; until the blank guy said, “Doojoonie…”
The guy who was called turned his head around to find Seungie was already in tears. Doo’s eyes widened, “OMO, Seungie-ah, what happen? Why are you crying, huh?”
The panicked-Doo swiftly wiped the falling tears away. “Hey, what’s wrong? Tell me.”
But Seung kept quiet. He just shook his head; signing that nothing’s wrong. Of course, Doo wouldn’t just believe it right away, he’s smart right?
After a round of persuasion, Doo could bring the matter up. Seung’s trembling lips started to move, “Doo-ah…”
“Yes, I’m here,” Doo said with concern, “Let’s sit first.” He brought them to the sofa nearby (they were around the living room that time).
“Now, tell me,” said Doo while holding Seung’s. And Seung’s face relaxed.
“I…I’m afraid…” there was a long pause.
“Afraid of what?” Doo asked, still caressing Seung’s hand.
“Afraid of losing him,” the words that came out of Seung’s mouth made Doo realize; his heart hurt too.
Out of the blue, without their knowledge, someone was standing behind the wall, listening to the whole scene all the time.
Junhyung was in his room, alone. He kept walking back and forth with his left hand on his chest and his right hand holding his chin.
‘I’m not falling for Doojoonie. I don’t love Doojoonie. I will never fall in love with him!!!’ his mind was raging at this time.
‘I’ll prove that!!’ his last crazy thoughts ended his madness as he went downstairs to look for someone.
His sharp eyes scanned all over the place, his urge to see the certain person grew higher. He narrowed his eyes even more on every person who passed by.
“Hyung, why are you looking at me like that?” Yoseob who was walking in front of him, felt awkward because of the sudden intense stare. His face was full of frown; even he crunched up his nose. Seobie went away in no time after receiving death glare from the older. It’s better looking for his safety than making more troubles.
Soon enough, Jun found his prey. The innocent prey was walking leisurely while humming UKISS - SOMEDAY and was moving to Jun’s direction. Poor prey, he never knew what fate he faced ahead.
“Hey you!” Jun’s favorite pose, pointing at someone, was indeed VISIBLE.
The prey didn’t seem to notice it. His hum sounded louder than Jun’s scream evidently. Jun’s face fell. None dared to oppose him directly like this, except….
….the leader.
“Huh? You call me?” with his innocent face, he pointed at himself.
Junhyung’s brain boiled till you could see smoke all over his head. But still, Doo just blinked in blankness.
“Don’t do such a cute thing with Seung’s face!!” Jun exploded. His face reddened.
“What thing? This?” and Doo repeated the blinking-thingy.
“Aissh, I can’t take it anymore!!!” Jun moved forward and grabbed Doo’s collar fast.
“Hey! Yong Junhyung! DO NOT use violence!” Doo warned.
But, the next scene happened was unpredictable. Doo went silence after feeling Jun’s big and warm hands cupping his both cheeks.
Jun’s face moved towards Doo’s and it was within 5 centimeters apart. Doo could feel Jun’s warm breath on his flushed face.
“W-What…what a-are you do-doing, Jun?” Doo’s lips trembling in nervousness.
“Just stand still,” every word was ringing audibly in Doo’s ears. Doo obediently followed the command.
Jun brought his face nearer till his nose brushed softly to Doo’s and this time, Doo could feel his heart stop beating. They remained like this for a good 3min26s for exact, until Jun removed his hands off and then he smiled.
“Thanks Doo,” Jun spoke first.
“Huh? F-for what?” Doo still stuttered a bit.
“For showing me what my heart says exactly,” Jun continued, his right hand softly tapped Doo’s shoulder.
Doo was frowning, showing Jun that he couldn’t get the point. But, Jun just smiled.
“You make me realize that…,” Doo’s heart somehow beats faster and faster, looked like Doo caught the meaning behind Jun’s words.
“…make me realize that, I love Seungie more than anything.”
Doo’s heart broke into tiny pieces right after the confession was told.
“You…you what?” Doo asked, seeking certainty.
“I love Seungie!” Jun happier face appeared. “This is my answer of your previous nonsense question, remember? Listen carefully okay, I won’t repeat them again. I lo-“
“STOP!” Doo cut the hurting-words off. Jun made a shocked-face.
“I heard them clearly, Jun. No need to repeat,” Doo’s head hung low.
Jun was so confused by the sudden changes Doo made. ’What’s wrong with him?’
“Anyway, I’m glad to hear you answer! How did you find out?” Doo’s face went brighter all of a sudden.
“Err…the thing I did just now, I found it out from there,” Jun answered hesitantly, still feeling awkward.
“Ohh! That thing! You are good in proving things huh?” Doo seemed to be more relax this moment.
“Yea, I know that I love Seungie’s personality. Not just the appearance. I love his inner and outer beauty for real,” Jun smiled even brighter after gaining a good response from Doo.
“Good choice man!” Doo hit Jun’s chest slowly, “Anyway, don’t you make him cry ever again, okay.”
With a smile, Doo left the dumfounded Jun behind.
‘Seungie’s crying? When?’
Doo could feel his eyes get warmed, the tears threatened to fall in any second before….
“Seungie-hyung! Your meal has finished! Let’s eat together!” Yoseob’s cheerful voice sounded comfortable in his heart. He quickly wiped off his tears and smiled widely towards the incoming Seobie.
“Okay, let’s go!”
After hearing Doo’s statement, Jun decided to talk to Seung about the crying-thingy. The curiosity took over him of course. He had to find the reason why.
Before he could find the right person, he accidently bumped into someone that came to his view abruptly.
“Hey you-“
“Looking for Seungie-hyung, hyung?” the guy cut Jun’s line bravely.
“He’s right there,” the guy cut the line again while pointing at Seungie (in Doo’s body) who was currently sitting in the couch, daydreaming.
================To Be Continued=====================
A/N : I know! I know! I'm so sorry for neglecting this fic >.< Since I don't have so many readers then, yeah, I feel discourage >.<
This is the update! :D Enjoy :)
Oh! and comments are HIGHLY appreciated :DD