Finished all the requests from the last post and I'm itching for more!
Want to request some art? Please do!
Note: I feel I do better at pieces that have between 2-3 people in it... all pairings are welcome! Heroes preferably but I might try another fandom.
Lil Gabe's Wagon by ~
iluvbsbkevin on
deviantARTNo Such Thing as a Free Lunch by ~
iluvbsbkevin on
deviantARTA little late for begging by ~
iluvbsbkevin on
deviantARTNot a good boy, not exactly by ~
iluvbsbkevin on
deviantART And a bonus I don't think I'd posted yet...
Evowlutionary imperative by ~
iluvbsbkevin on
deviantARTI'll try all requests, but if I don't end up doing yours I'm sorry in advance!
Once again, leaving the entry public!