*Bobby ida is in band*

Feb 19, 2004 10:07

all flaggets that read this...I talked to webber and she said that we all need to bring about 5 bux...we're probabbly gonna stay at shs and ORDER food, something like that.

Dammmn, yesterday was so funny.Shitttt, for one THANK GOD my cuz Rachy came over..I had to pick between two dresses for TURNIE<-dont get me started. So we remembered that ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

lilorangebrita February 19 2004, 13:59:01 UTC
why arent we hanging out?


Re: hey iluvfatboys February 19 2004, 14:04:59 UTC
when do you want to? I wanna hangout with you after turnabout!
pracitce lasts almost all day tomorrow.

I really like your icon.Where'd you find it?



Re: hey lilorangebrita February 19 2004, 17:39:06 UTC
which icon do u like?


lilorangebrita February 19 2004, 17:57:40 UTC
i just read ur post FULLY
and hmm. u said u couldnt hang out today but u went out with that grrrl. wonderful lies


BRITNY! iluvfatboys February 19 2004, 18:17:10 UTC
gurl, read it again...i was posting that thing with my cuz from YESTERDAY...i seriously have been working all day..well most of it.!


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