I felt horrible today but not sick horrible even though I have a cold

Nov 15, 2004 21:17

I have to do a pre writing for a paper and I did a web it looks really complex I pretty much mapped out everything in my life as of now with some things left out and others that never actually happened. Crazy whore best five dollars I ever spent. It’s odd that for the most part all my life fits on a piece of paper ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

hepcat800 November 16 2004, 04:48:49 UTC
Hey, if you've never read "Heart of Darkness," do it. And think about Buddhism whilst doing it. It's the subject of my final paper for my brit lit class, and im finding it really interesting.


iluvhugs352 November 16 2004, 23:59:26 UTC
It's on my to read list. After I read it could I read your paper?


hepcat800 November 17 2004, 04:47:42 UTC
Good good. You could indeed, but expect naive and generalized ideas.


You stealer, you...i think. piquing_tom November 16 2004, 22:43:26 UTC
Wasn't the war between the accountants and the social workers a Monty Python thing? "Meaning of Life," and all that? I think I'm confused...and yet...wasn't there a pirate ship...and a big fight...and...and...sigh.


Re: You stealer, you...i think. iluvhugs352 November 17 2004, 00:54:03 UTC
I know what your talking about I think it was small business vs. big business. It's really funny.


Re: You stealer, you...i think. piquing_tom November 17 2004, 02:45:26 UTC
Ah, yes. what a fool I've been. I'll go cry in my corner out of shame. *runs away, flailing arms all about*


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