Hola a todos,
In short blerbs, because I'm in a hurry unfortunately.
-It's been so cold and windy here for the past week and a half or so... Que disparate! (how rediculous). I've had to wear my jacket like every day to class because I'm always freezing at school. It's April in Southern Spain... Go figure.
+I have another intercambio. His name is Jesus. We've only met twice and at first I wasn't sure what I thought of him, because having conversation was like pulling teeth. We talked about the usual awkward conversation topics like politics and religion, at which point I found out he's a comunist... Well, whatever floats your boat... He's kind of a hippie, but he's really nice. The second time we met was less awkward. We went to a bar and just sat and chilled while everyone around us cheered because of the futbol game. Barcelona was playing. Hahaha, Spanish people are very passionate about a lot of things, especially people from Sevilla and especially about soccer. Anyway, he wants to meet up this weekend. He lives in a small town outside of Sevilla. He asked me if I wanted to hear him practice with his band; he plays the bass.
-I really miss my family and friends back in the states, but I don't want to go home... It's a weird feeling. I wish some could all come here and just experience and live the Sevillana lifestyle with me lol. We could travel around Europe and it would be marvelous. jaja
-A month left here? What up with that? ... Not sure how I feel about that. I could make a list of everything I'm going to miss when I'm back state-side, but that would take too long. Another post probably.
-Never-and-I-mean NEVER drink cheap, two-euro wine from big plastic cups. It's just not a good plan. That's all I'm going to say on that subject lol.
+Morocco in exactly a week! Can't wait! Wish I didn't have to get up at like four AM to meet. Ewwww.
-Need to bust my ass to get these papers done. One of them is due the first week after Feria... I should probably be working on that one instead of the other one. Me and my horrible planning.
-Wish I was going to Lagos, Portugal this weekend with like the other 200 people from CC-CS who are going... God, horrible planning on my part.
-I haven't been to the beach since I've been here. Un gran problema!
+I've fallen in love with Sevillanas. I need to buy a CD or two before I leave.
+Had a good 21st birthday here in Sevilla. Nothing big; went to a bar with my roommate and her friend where they bought me a few copitas and a tapa.
+I really really really really want to go shopping. I need new perfume. My Abacrambi 8 ran out :(
+Want to buy more skirts. I only have a few here.
+Need to buy touristy suveneers. haha
Ok, comida time. Estoy muerta de hambre! (starving).
Vale.... Hasta luego,