today on the way back from the matket i saw that eruption billboard, if you haven't seen it it shows to people having sex, and the eruptin, well i dont have to explain. But can anyone tell me why people got mad at Janet Jackson for showing part of her breast but now they have this type of ad on a 30 foot billboard. MAybe its cause she is black, who
Ehhh, I have so much work to do for Spelman. He is old and needs to take a vacation. Who actually reads their projects for pleasure? I do it to get my work done. By the way, Nigel Tufnel is so fucking awesome. go culture/stuff.html. I would have showed it but photobucket is not working.
Today in tutoring Mrs. Miller asked what calmed us down and there and out of nowhere Josh J. says, "Stevie Wonder!" IT was so fucking hilarious, and then we stretched our faces and did impressions of the godfather.