so i'm gonna go through my classes and kinda give a little info on how they are...
1- Advanced TV Productions- fucking awesome, as usual, our new teacher is pretty sweet too...however, there's like 4 sophmores/juniors in our class and thats just not fair, it's a seniors class, seniors run spartan update, and thats just all there is to it....ugh. :)
2- AP Calc AB- Piekarski is good. krissy sits behind me and is my partner..FUCKING SWEEEEEET ^_^ and me and mike shapiro are the smartest kids in the class (haha jk jk....not) and we're moving really slowww..but hey, thats cool....
3- AP Eng. and Lit.- had a test already, but it wasn't too hard, so whatever. the reading every night and finishing like one book each week is going to be really rough, but i gotta push myself. my class is pretty sweet. it's the good ap eng. class...1st and 4th period suck. :)
4- AP French- hahahahhaha...yea, about 10 people. and i'm sure it won't be too bad..hahaha
5- Study!/Lunch!- probably the greatest period of the day...actually, it def. is. study is fabulous, we'll have a good time :). lunch is wonderful, i know mad people and im gonna try not to sit at the same table everyday!! def. best 40 mins of the day..woooot!
6- adv physics- class is pretty good. we'll have fun. not very hard. so yea.. but yea, i got a lab table for my desk...again. yea...Ws suck.
7- gym- fucking gym. i hate gym. FUCK GYM! haha..actually its not that bad..i have a couple of friends..i just hate changing everyday!
8- adv history 3- second greatest class of the day. emily behind and lindsay in front so its all good. its a fun class, really easy and it's only half a year...soo woot!!!
me and aldkfjald are at it again :) people- those mint trojans that we got free at ozzfest are actually really good!! ~_^