letter writing meme (stolen from
nurse_cchapel )
Letter 1 - Your Best Friend
Verse: Canon
Thanks for the brownies.
And the sprinkles.
Letter 2 - Your Crush
Verse: Mirror
Dear Lenny,
I know you don't like me calling you Lenny but I feel like I needed to tell you my true feelings about our relationship. Actually, this glass of Saurian Brandy tends to agree as did the 24 friends of his. Eroticses from your doctoring implements aside, you've always seemed like the strongest member of this crew. That is why I, Beck, the most intelligible intelligent person on this ship for my genius, elect you to be my partner in eventually taking over the Enter prize prise Enterprise! Think of the glory! Think of the attention! Think of theI'm going to blackoutnow.
Letter 3 - Your parents
Verse: Canon
You tried your best.
Letter 4 - Your sibling (or closest relative)
Verse: Canon
I'm sorry dad liked me more,
p.s. You were smarter than both of us.
Letter 5 - Your dreams
Verse: Canon?
I'll find you eventually.
p.s. This was stupid.
Letter 6 - A stranger
Verse: Canon
Dear girl I had sex with who had red hair and a mole on her ankle,
I'm sorry I threw up on your cat that morning.
Letter 7 - Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Verse: Canon
Dear Dan,
Haven't thought about you in a long time. I'm still weird.
Letter 8 - Your favorite internet friend The person you message the most
Verse: Canon
Dear Dr. Timothy Garnet, scientist on starbase 11 with whom I've shared most of my research with for the past ten years,
You're a hack. That's not yours. And if there was a Christmas message list you would no longer be on it. Oh, and by the way, it's going to blow up.
-Dr. Donald Beck, Sc. D., Sc. D
Letter 9 - Someone you wish you could meet
Verse: Canon
I always thought this question was stupid.
Letter 10 - Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Verse: Canon
I wish I had been at your wedding.